
Monday, March 23, 2015

Weight Training Is Important For Women

Weight Training Is Important For Women

Lifting weights, resistance training or strength training ... call it what you want them all lead to some of these objectives:

Bigger Muscles
A strong healthy heart
Leaning up
A more sustainable body to your daily routine

However, despite all these benefits, women have been known to stay away from this type of exercise. I think most of you know why this is, especially most women who can read this.

"I do not want to lift weights because I'm too big and man-ish." Perhaps you have said or heard other girlfriends say something like that when it comes to weight lifting.

Does this sound familiar? I know I've even heard my own family members say this weightlifting.

Think about it, there are tons of guys out there (myself included just to be honest) who absolutely thrilled to have huge muscles! However, if you notice, despite the fact that men have higher amounts of the hormone testosterone and growth they are not getting huge and bulky, right?

In fact, it is quite rare that men bulk up massively, even when they lift weights on a quite normal basis. Guess what, women will not either.

There is a huge misconception that big manly muscles are a byproduct automatic normal weight training.

That said, it is absolutely imperative that women understand that lifting weights is a great way for them to carve (not too sure) lean and toned they desire. In case your genetics are just amazing and cause you to loose is fast, no worries. It is quite simple to change your workout and stop unwanted extra muscle growth. You can do this while still reinforcing and get rid of the fat, too quickly.

Unfortunately, the media widely overhyped the idea that weightlifting can make you a sort of "roided looking freak". There are some women weightlifters this experience with the use of steroids and the effect of hormones can result in a very masculine look. On the other hand, most women who are weight training will simply obtain a lean healthy body while preventing unwanted extra muscle.

So let's start by talking about the basics of weight training.

First, you have reps and sets you. Reps are a solo act in any year, it will be a form of getting up and lowering a weight. Now a set is just how many times you repeat that representative. Keeping track of these rather than just blindly raise will help you have a more controlled workout where you can measure your progress by tracking your numbers.

For example, say you make 20 pounds of barbell biceps curls. For this 10 repetitions, you must lift the weight up and down let (slowly, to keep the course shape) 10 times, non-stop, and then stop and then start another exercise or just enter the workout. A weight-training workout good balance will have a variety of different exercises.

It does not matter what level you are weightlifting, your goal should always be to raise the exhaustion as soon as possible. You want to lift a weight that will achieve just that with a solid 10-15 reps per set.

In addition, a good routine to run this around 3 times a week with a rest day between each workout to allow your muscles to heal.

OK, this is where you will thank me. I will share with you an exercise that all the "gurus" in the fitness industry are extreme horror. This exercise will eliminate the need (better still desired) to purchase any infomercial product that comes out the end of the night. In fact, this workout alone almost outweighs any other.

There is a set then keeps let me just tell you this warning: at the beginning, you want to do this exercise with supervision of a certified (preferably) personal trainer. Now I say this to you to use the correct form to ensure and maximize the course exercise.

Here's the best part: This workout is that you can do at home without the need for any Bowflex or any other machine or expensive video. Oh, and here's the kicker, it will also lead you all the muscles in your body!

In fact, it is a basic exercise that will make you burn more calories even when not working, prevail over any other workout that we have experienced. Of course, that's when you stay in shape and do the exercise correctly.

It's quite dramatic ... the drive is called: The Dead-lift. Oh, and follows explains how you can optimize it to get rid of fat and tone your body.


You want to start by just standing on your feet flat with your feet kicked just a little further than the width of your shoulders. In addition, you want to point your toes outward just a little.

After this, you will need to squat with your hips lower than your shoulders, then take your bar or anything else that has some weight. You'll want to start low on what you are going to be now while lifting, you'll want to focus on the balance to choose something that you can hold easily and it is not huge and bulky, perhaps a book or something similar.

OK, now you need to get your hands on the bar, a book or any object you have chosen to raise a little less than shoulder width apart with elbows fully extended, but to keep them inside your knees. You will also need every element around an inch in front of your shins and hovering over the balls of your feet.

Upward movement

Choose the bar / object off the ground stretching your knees and hips.

Be sure to keep your back straight anything.

Keep these extended elbows.

You'll want to keep the bar / as close to your subject as possible contactless knees.
Move your hips forward as soon as the bar / object passes your knees.
A full knee and hip extension, you'll need to keep your body straight.

Downward movement

Let the hips and knees to flex to slowly lower the ground bar.
Repeat the movement until finished with all.

While this can be a bit annoying for you when you scan in this position, try to give it a shot for a day or more and you'll be able to see and feel improvement after the movements become more and more familiar.

Remember that you should start slowly that most of you will probably exhausting muscles that have not seen this type of strain in a long time. Make sure you increase slowly but surely as your muscles adapt, there will be a little stiffness and muscle pain (which is why it is important to rest a full day).

And there you have it ladies. Do not let the hype get to you. Weightlifting is important for women too! Forget spending hours with cardio exercise, go do some lifting, believe me you will not become one of these super-muscular women.

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