
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Using The Amazing Coconut Oil For Weight Loss

Using The Amazing Coconut Oil For Weight Loss

Unlike other saturated fats that are bad for your health, coconut oil is a wonder and you need in your life! Its many wonders of health is the reason why the use of coconut oil for weight loss will produce amazing results. Just try for a month and you will see.

What is so great about coconut oil?
While many people concerned with weight loss may think they should avoid all fats, this particular oil should not be one of the fat you avoid like the plague. There are many unhealthy fats, but there are also a lot of good fats that the body needs for general health and well-being that can also help you lose weight.

There are bad fats that you should avoid such as trans fats (eliminate from your diet) and saturated fats (reducing or eliminating).

Good or healthy fats you need more in your life are also known as essential fatty acids (EFAs) and are usually found in unsaturated fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as olive oil, olives , linseed oil, flax seeds, nuts and various seeds, etc.

These good or healthy fats as mentioned above are essential for the body and help it function properly and can also help boost your immune system, cardiovascular activity, help manage diabetes naturally, rheumatoid arthritis, eczema , psoriasis, cancer prevention, and so on and so on. If you try to eliminate all fat from your body because you think it will help you lose weight, you'll be doing your body a disservice.

Instead of saying that all fats are bad and must be banned, you must be wondering what fat you should be eating instead.

But coconut oil is a saturated fat ...
That is true. Saturated fats are those that are solid at room temperature, unless you live in very hot climates in which case it will be so hot that oil will remain in liquid form. If solid, this oil will quickly melt when heat is applied, including the application of body heat when rubbed between the palms or applied to the skin.

Although saturated fat is very unhealthy, it is important to remember that all saturated fats are created equal and coconut oil while saturated fat is one of the good or healthy fats that is why you need in your diet.

The reason why it is considered healthy is because coconut oil is a medium chain fatty acid, not a long-chain fatty acid which are bad saturated fats commonly found in fatty meats, butter, ghee , cheese, cream, and so on and so on.

Which means that the medium-chain fatty acids in that particular oil can be metabolized more rapidly than long chain fatty acids. In addition, medium chain fatty acids are also easily absorbed in the small intestine with other nutrients which prevents them from settling in the stomach in the form of fat which is why coconut oil for the loss of weight is effective.

Coconut oil and weight loss
Using coconut oil for weight loss works because of the amazing properties of this oil include the following;

1. Do not add fat
Unlike many other fats and foods that contain fat, coconut oil is not stored in the body as fat. When we eat these fats or foods that contain fat, these fats are deposited in the blood stream and sent directly to our fat cells.

The medium chain fatty acids found in this oil are not deposited into the bloodstream, but are sent directly to the liver to be used for energy as carbohydrates and simple sugars in our diet. When you eat coconut oil, it is immediately used by the body for energy that is required by the cells in the body for the day to day activities.

This is also the reason why this particular oil is recommended for diabetics because unlike carbohydrates and sugars that raise sugar levels in the blood, coconut oil does not increase blood glucose levels and can also help control sugar cravings. Note also that excessive amounts of carbohydrates and sugars in the blood is stored in the form of fat reserves in the body.

The way the body uses this oil is why you should replace other oils that you currently use in your life with this oil. This will not only healthy, but will help you lose weight as fat reserves are further decreased, despite the consumption of healthy fat that the body needs.

2. Metabolism
When we eat food, our metabolic rate rises to digest this food. This is the normal rate that everyone has, but what is normal varies from person to person and that's why your friend can eat anything including unhealthy fats and not gain a pound then everything you have to do is look at food and you gain a pound or so. She or he has a metabolic rate faster than you allowing him or her to burn more calories per day than you.

It's unfair, but that's life. One of the best methods commonly used to increase the metabolic rate with exercise and building lean muscle and protein consumption to build this lean muscle, so these are methods that you can try so that your body begins to burn more calories with a metabolic rate of increase.

Another way to lose weight without exercise by increasing your metabolic rate is to add this particular oil to your diet. The medium chain fatty acids contained in coconut oil are able to boost your metabolism which will make you burn more calories which leads to weight loss. How amazing is that?

The medium chain fatty acid are rapidly absorbed and burned by the body which helps them to be used as energy to your metabolism which leads to an increase in your metabolism rate.

3. Increased energy
Because this oil is burned immediately, it leads to an energy gain and besides boosting your metabolism, it can help increase your performance levels, especially if you are an athlete or if you add exercise to your loss weight diet that will help you produce better results.

These reasons are why the use of coconut oil for weight loss is so incredible and so effective, in order to get to your nearest store and stock up on coconut oil if you have not already.

How to use coconut oil for weight loss?
There are many ways on how to use coconut oil for weight loss. The easiest method is to simply use coconut oil in place of most other oils that you use every day in your kitchen. You can also use it for cooking instead of butter.

If you do not normally use the oil in cooking or baking, just add 3-4 tablespoons of coconut oil per day for salads, oatmeal, smoothies, juices green fruit, etc. It is better to spread these 3 or 4 tbsp coconut oil throughout the day and not just consume in one sitting.

Best coconut oil using
When coconut oil is used for weight loss and other health reasons, it is best to use organic, cold pressed and unrefined coconut oil that contains the Most healthy properties found in this oil to make the most impact on your weight loss and your overall health and well-being.

If you are interested in using coconut oil for weight loss, do not wait any longer. Get a little coconut oil and do it today! You will not be disappointed. Especially if you are interested in ways to lose weight without exercise, although the addition of coconut oil to a diet and exercise healthy diet will produce even better results.

As an added benefit, you can also use this oil to the outside because it is an excellent moisturizer and because of its anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, it can also help heal many skin problems while moisturizing your skin. This oil also makes a great oil treatment for your hair and its healing properties can help treat your scalp if you have scalp problems. All this to say that you need to coconut oil in your life!

In addition to using coconut oil for weight loss, you will also need the program 3 Week Plan that will show you how to lose 12-23 pounds in three weeks! Find out what you need to eat more than a slimmer body and the time to eat these foods for maximum fat burning capacity.

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