3 (Common) Weight Loss Myths To Avoid
When your goal is to lose a few extra pounds and get in shape quickly, you'll want to stay away from some common myths of weight loss that can sabotage your efforts quickly.
In this article, I would bust three common myths that many people are victims of their quest for better health and a better body.
Weight Loss Myth # 1: "In order to lose weight, it is better to starve yourself or eat only very little"
This is probably one of the most common weight loss myths. You see, starve yourself all day long is not the way to lose weight and stay in shape.
Starvation diets will cause all sorts of health problems, both short term and long term.
Healthy weight loss is to provide your body with all the essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and other nutrients your body needs to function properly.
Also, when you go long hours without eating, your sugar levels in the blood drop that affects your energy level.
Worse, from long hours without eating causes your body to think that there is a famine going on and when your body thinks it is starving, it will store more calories than body fat in preparation for the next perceived "famine".
Instead of following some crazy unhealthy diet and starvation deprives your body of calories and essential nutrients needed for optimal health and well-being, you should eat several small meals throughout the day to keep hunger the bay and your metabolism high.
For example, if you understand that your daily calorie intake for fat loss should be 1400 - 1600 calories per day, aim to consume about 375-400 calories per meal to 4 small average size every day.
When you feed your body frequently throughout the day, you will never trigger "famine" alarm your body, so you will not have to worry about the calories you eat is stored as fat.
Focus on eating lean protein sources such as fish, chicken, turkey and lean red meat. Eat more good fats and bad fats and eliminate less refined, processed foods that are loaded with sodium and sugars that make it harder for you to achieve your fitness goals.
Weight Loss Myth # 2: "The exercise for hours every day is the best way to lose weight"
This is another great myth of weight loss. Here's the deal every time you train, you stress your body both physically and psychologically.
Too much exercise causes your body to produce cortisol, the stress hormone, which makes it harder to lose body fat.
If you train with weights at moderate to high intensity on a daily basis, you deplete your brain neurotransmitters which are an essential part of a healthy central nervous system (CNS).
Too much stress CNS lead to chronic fatigue, impaired memory and concentration, sleep disorders and depression.
Just know that too much exercise is very against-productive and will lead you quickly to more training.
Once you are more trained, your body pumps out massive amounts of cortisol as a protective mechanism or survival against stress.
To avoid becoming overtrained and for optimal results in fat loss, not exercise more than one hour at a time. If you weigh train and make cardiovascular exercise in the same workout, 30 minutes of each activity is a lot for one day.
Whenever you feel too tired or more tired than usual for no reason, reduce your training frequency and even take a few days off from all years.
Weight Loss Myth # 3: "Muscle will make me bulky"
I shake my head every time I see ladies at the gym avoid the area of free weights and instead, perform cardio hours hoping to lose weight and stay in shape.
You see, looking like a bodybuilder takes years of hard work and dedication in and outside the gym. Win big muscles take much work busting gut and requires good physical genetics.
If you fear that weight training will make you look like a bodybuilder, you should know that women produce less testosterone in their bodies than men, so that it will never happen.
Also, get a large amount of muscle mass requires a high protein and high calorie diet.
Winning 8-12 pounds of lean muscle will do wonders to help you achieve your weight loss goal. This is because the muscle tissue is metabolically active, which means it burns calories even when the body is at rest.
The bottom line on weight training for fat loss is present; Weight training helps you achieve that lean look, toned and shaped by the building of muscle tissue. Muscle tissue increases your metabolism, which in turn helps you burn more calories and body fat.
There are of course many other myths that prevent you from reaching your ideal physique and an article is not enough to cover them all, but these three are the most common.
Avoid these three common myths weight loss and look at your physical and health change for the better.
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