
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Eight Steps On How To Lose Weight and Stay Fit (Healthy)

Eight Steps On How To Lose Weight and Stay Fit (Healthy)

Many people make a New Year's resolution to lose weight and stay in shape (healthy). By doing so, you think that your appearance is more attractive and you feel fit (healthy). Therefore, you have more confidence in your ability to achieve your dreams, goals and mission.

1. Mental this

First and foremost, you must be wondering how to make your home more attractive appearance and good health are your ability to achieve your goals become easier. Results from achieving your weight loss and health goals are more than a number on a scale or a specific purpose. The reason is that there are many benefits to doing so. Some you have not thought occurs.

An example of an advantage is that you do not have as many negative thoughts. You are unconsciously able to do what you need in the field of weight and health instead of unconsciously think about whether what you are doing is helping or not.

Meeting your negative thoughts that you derailment of success you update your unconscious. Examples of negative thoughts are:

1. I have tried this before and do not continue to see the benefits.

Reply with I learned to do better.

2. Is it really effective (disbelief)?

Reply with think it's really easy.

3. Just one will not make a difference.

Reply with your criteria of what is edible and what exercises are needed.

Therefore, you enable your success not deprive yourself. When you believe you enable success you have to manage to set other goals to benefit from your success. It is not an end point. There continuation and progression (process) to your new dreams, goals and mission. Those you do not have when you started. You have a robust life.

2. Health / Nutrition (Eat Right)

Some people now physical and / or mental need of treatment. Research on the best treatment (s) for you. If what you are doing or taking work then stick with it. If this does not do research for another form of treatment.

Examples include talking with your family doctor or a specialist, chiropractor, trainer and / or coach. There are natural, pharmaceutical, and stretching exercises for you to try. Do not quit thinking that there is not a way. People are working to find a better way.

With entrepreneurial advances in humanity, medicine and technology, you can lead a rugged life. For example, a resource for chronic pain is a book, without pain, Pete Egoscue. Stretching exercises are very easy and does not involve intense physical therapy.

Eat Right

Eating healthy is an individualized approach. For example, some people need carbs in the morning and some need protein instead. Create a criteria for foods you can eat and you'll be amazed so much progress in food and cooking what is available for you to eat and enjoy. Get out of the rut of eating the same foods, add variety and flavor to the foods you eat.

For example, my individualized diet is protein and raw organic vegetables in the morning, water and tea. This is the first quarter of the day. A couple of hours before lunch I eat organic fruit. Lunch starts the second quarter. Between two and four years, I eat organic vegetables and organic fruit. Have water, tea or another beverage of choice. Dinner starts the third quarter. For dinner, I eat more carbohydrates. After dinner begins the fourth quarter. I drink water, tea or a drink of my choice.

My criteria for eating well:

Eat a third of what I used to eat at every meal, no refined sugar, limit bread, no caffeine, no alcohol, eating right also makes you healthy

3. Exercise

Learn to exercise. By doing repetitive exercise your body is bored and there is overuse of muscles. Therefore gains stop. Add variety and set records for you to achieve.

My criteria for the exercise:

Variety, warm up, cardio certain days (walking, running, jazzercise) weight on certain days (slowly lift), sports on certain days (multiple choice). Exercise also makes you healthier. I exercise for strength, speed, and speed. Stretch daily.

Best exercise in the world is a four-mile walk. I have known several people with and without health problems to implement four mile walk to succeed.

4. Work

There's paid work, voluntary work, and recreation to keep you engaged. Find a job that is important to you and you can do well. Work will keep your mind of your health and diet. It gives you the opportunity to be a productive citizen a living, help and do for your family, friends and others.

5. Meditate

I meditate to clear my mind, therefore, making it work better and balance. For me, time is perfect. Choose the right amount of time for you. It also helps me with my schedule.

6. Have something to hope for in the Evening

It's nice to have something relaxing and fun evening. Invite someone to spend time with family, friends, watch a game, watch TV, listen to music, read, or attend an event.

7. Pray

It is spiritual growth. It brings well-being, good deeds, and peace.

8. Rest

To rejuvenate you need to rest for specific activities. This can be in your work and in the exercise. Give your mind and body the break it needs to renew these activities. This does not mean to stop working or exercising or eating right completely. This means working on a different activity, take a month or three out of weight, or grant any other activity. I sleep at the same time on weekdays.

Make every day something for your health / nutrition, exercise, work, meditate, have something to look forward in the evening, pray and rest. Be sure to inform people who need to know where you coordinate with them so they do not worry and things are done.

Continue to learn more qualified in each of the above steps to support a robust life easier.

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