
Monday, March 23, 2015

Water, Water Everywhere

Water, Water Everywhere

Water is one of the most important staple food for our health and fitness. If we are dehydrated, it may have a variety of physical problems that we will lose time and money to "cure" when the cure is as simple as "drink more water!"

Water Facts:

An interesting fact. "The earth is covered almost 70% water and humans are composed of about 75% water - our blood containing approximately the same as the salinity of ocean water" There. approximately 10 000 shares in your body that are made per second that water is essential. Water chief jobs is to maintain a stable environment in and around our cells, so we able to take in nutrition and eliminate waste. If we are then dehydrated these actions can not take place to the extent that we are dehydrated. The quality of our fabric depends on not we have enough water in our collagen tubes.

Dehydration symptoms

Soft: thirst, dizziness, anger, depression, confusion, light - dizziness, dry mouth and nose, slowed urine production

Moderate: sunken eyes and dry with little or no tears, poor skin elasticity, fast and deep breathing, low blood pressure, rapid pulse and low

Severe: fainting, severe muscle contractions in the arms / legs / stomach / back, convulsions, heart failure, kidney problems, lack of urine, cool, moist extremities, weak or undetectable blood pressure, peripheral cyanosis (bluish skin) , death

Hydration water

So now that you are all ready to stay hydrated - What are you doing? Go to the nearest water fountain and take a sip ... No, if you love your body! Almost all municipal water sources are contaminated by water runoff from agricultural trade (pesticides, herbicides, etc.) and chlorine and fluoride added. The hierarchy of the best sources of water are: Artesian Spring filtered.

The point I am trying to make you understand is - drink more water!

You may be wondering how much is enough! A simple formula - you should drink half your weight in ounces of water. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces of water each day. If this task seems impossible, start slowly increase your water intake until you reach your goal. Something easy - break your day into thirds, calculate how much water you need to drink each third, then hold yourself accountable for achieving these smaller goals.

For those of you who are already thinking that this will send you to the bathroom every two seconds, consider this: As you slowly increase your water intake, your body will become more effective treatment / using the water, and your desire to be decreasing. You can also add a small pinch of Celtic sea salt (not every time) that will help your body absorb water and give you a bunch of trace elements fantastic (electrolytes) that your body needs anyway.

A closing note - Many people confuse the feeling of thirst and hunger, and studies show that adults who drink two 8 - glasses of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner consumed less than 75-90 calories in each meal. Not that I think calories are the culprit, but I think people eat too much and confuse thirst hinges is one way that people eat more.

Now go enjoy a glass of water ... or two ... or 10!

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