You Are a Survival Machine - You Are Also Engineered to Sit Around All Day Eating Cake If You Can
Survival and replication.
You are a survival machine. The DNA in the cells survived for millions of years. It has been copied thousands of times. You all ancestors survived long enough to have offspring. These descendants then survived to grow up and repeat the process. You are the last of a long line of successful survivors who had children. Who also survived successfully.
You are designed to survive. You are designed to replicate. I mean your body and everything is designed to perform these functions. Every thought that you and each biological need you feel are designed to take you to put you in optimal conditions for reproduction and ensure your survival.
If your ancestors were not as good as their neighbors to survive, they would be more likely to die. If your ancestors were not as good at mating and having offspring than their neighbors while they were less likely to be able to pass on their genes and nature would have eliminated the rhythm.
We are all here because our distant relatives were fantastic to survive infancy, childhood, adolescence, looking for a partner to have sex, and then make sure the baby continued to survive infancy, childhood and so on. That's it. There are no other features that will make better. There are no features of your body that do not serve a function to both objectives. Surviving and passing on your genes.
Our genes we carry in each of our cells are virtually the same as when we lived in the African plains. We lived in very hot conditions with water and limited food. We mainly collect our foot. Nuts, berries, fruits and roots. We occasionally managed to kill a large animal like a bird and rodent but small antelopes were more common. In the last forty thousand years we have domesticated animals and learned to farm. We have over our small group to survive and now have an abundance of food. Today we cook our food so that twelve hours a day does not need to be passed to chew just to get enough nutrients to survive. This has freed a lot of free time. Machines have many things easier too. We live today in every major luxury of Kings and Queens there are only a few hundred years
We are always governed by emotions and desires that we fed life in Africa. We eat whenever we can and our bodies quickly lay to excess fat stores in the next meal could be days or weeks. We are led to be part of the group and its benefits for survival. We are led to obtain the status where we can and to seek and find the best friends to pass on our genes. This is what drives us. Understanding this can help us regain control of our size again.
When we have food available, we will eat. When we have a chance to rest, we will. Although I think we have a stunning body able to run marathons every day, it does not mean our needs and wants to encourage.
This is key information because we can then compensate.
Stop having food available. do not give opportunities to graze.
Do not assume that you want to exercise. You have an inner lazy natural born - will will need to get your tushy on the front door.
Find what motivates you. Focus on it and access it. Do not wait for your body and desires to lead you. They will not.
More on this another day ...
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