
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Nibbly Procrastination and Boredom Snacking - How Forty Thousand Years of Evolution Have Ended Badly

Nibbly Procrastination and Boredom Snacking - How Forty Thousand Years of Evolution Have Ended Badly

To understand what we and our management hunger drives it is really helpful to understand where we came from.

We would have little or no water or food, there are 40,000 years in the day from midday African sun. We would have had to eat in our body fat stores and for most months of the year it would have been great. A body that can survive very little fuel for many hours and still hunt big game would have a survival advantage, and those traits have been passed down to us from our ancestors. We have the same organs,

We have the same biology, the same impulses and many of the same thoughts and behavior. Many eat more than we need and do not use our bodies almost as often as we were designed for. Designed by hundreds of thousands of years of evolution in the magnificent specimen who you are.

From an evolutionary point of view anyone with a slightly better rate fixation fat when food was plentiful would have been given a survival advantage.

We thank you for ancestors quite as good to shed fat. They good at it and handed down to us this ability.

We are happy good at it. It is natural. Any excess calories we eat will be stored for a time of need.

When this time of need comes, the stored excess calories will be released to provide fuel to keep us going on the hunt and survive in survival situations.

The trick, then managing the size is to think about your food in these terms of evolution.

Do not eat more calories than you burn and you will not gain weight.

This is an excellent piece of news because it gives us something to aim for.

It works. We need some tips these days because there are so many calories easy to eat around us in our modern environment. We must use our amazing brains evolved to generate some trick. There are some psychological tricks that can help us away from the easy to fall into the trap of eating more calories than we need.

If you really understand how your body works, you can get it to work well for you. The same applies for the mind.

If you can get a handle on how your brain works and why it is the way it is then we can use some clever techniques to get sorted too few - including hunger drive you may have noticed from time to time other.

Far from being a mystery, mind behaves well predictable in particular situations. Modern medicine and knowledge of modern psychology helps us in the 21st century.

Today: think boredom eating and procrastination Nibbly.

These are high-risk areas. There are forty thousand years we would have struggled to get our supply of calories per day and the desire to constantly feed is integrated.

Now, this strategy will help you eat slowly to death.

When our minds are distracted or put us out of a situation or a difficult task, we reach for snacks.

Become aware of how often you do this every day.

Bring your mind to the attention here will give real and tangible results.

Many of my patients find it really useful to write every time this happens. This will focus the brain and brings to the conscious vanguard of your mind. it then gives you the ability to interrupt the pattern. A chance to select and root habits and the most useful behavior.

Try it. Try it today.

More another day

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