10 Lies the Fitness and Nutrition Industry Are Telling You
Myth # 1: no pain no gain!
Totally wrong! While you should feel challenged during a workout, you should not be feeling any pain during a workout. It's a sign you're doing wrong, or if you have injured yourself. Stop and take a break, or completely stop if you feel pain while working.
Myth # 2: Lifting weights will make you gain volume
Bulk muscle building requires testosterone, and women naturally do not have as much testosterone as men. Lifting weights offers so many benefits, maintaining muscle mass, which decreases as we age, to improve your metabolism. So do not neglect the weight. Lift them!
Myth # 3: do crunches and abdominal exercises will get rid of belly fat
Wrong! Only lose fat will get rid of belly fat. However, once you have lost belly fat, all those crunches and planks that you did to get a flat stomach will pay, so keep at it!
Myth # 4: Eating late at night will pack on the pounds
It's not that you're eating late at night makes you sabotage. It is too eat at night that sabotages you! If you are too snacking after dinner, then try to define a rule that not eating can occur after some time.
Myth # 5: If you crave a food, it must mean your body needs nutrients it provides
Uh, no. If this were true, we should all be dying fruits and vegetables all the time for the vitamins and minerals they provide, not the candy and sweets as we aspire normally. Before reaching this chocolate bar, ask yourself what can cause you dream it. Stress and hormonal fluctuations have been known to cause cravings overabundance of carbohydrates. Also try to eat something healthy first, and then see if you still want to eat.
Myth # 6: Skipping meals can make your body goes into starvation mode!
Wrong! When you skip a meal, your body does not think he spent in starvation mode and do not skip meals slows down your metabolism. It takes more than 72 hours of not eating for your body to start saving energy by slowing down. Eating several small meals a day will help keep your blood sugar in the blood fluctuate too much. Smaller frequent meals can help you avoid overeating at the next meal.
Myth # 7: You can target areas for fat loss
While you may be prone to lose fat in different areas of your body first (for example, your belly is the first to shrink), you are not losing fat faster in this area. Fat loss happens all over the body, at the same time. So if you try to target certain areas of the body for fat loss with some exercises, you are wasting your time.
Myth # 8: muscle weighs more than fat
It is a common misconception, because they have the same weight. A book of muscle and a pound of fat is the same. However, muscle is more dense than fat, and therefore, 1 pound of muscle looks a lot less than a pound of fat.
Myth # 9: zero grams of fat = Trans Fat
Did you know that if a food contains 0.5 grams or less of trans fat, that food labels are allowed to say they have no trans fats? This is one reason why it is so important to read the labels. If partially hydrogenated ingredients on it, it contains trans fat. If it contains trans fats, do not buy it!
Myth # 10: Your weight loss is all Be at the end of any fitness measure
There is much more to fitness and health that says your balance! Although your scale can be a plateau, do not forget that you improve your cardiovascular system, muscle building, which makes your bones stronger, ward off chronic diseases like diabetes, and also help your mood!
And you? Do you have fitness and nutrition myths that you'd like to see added to the list? Comment below!
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