
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What's The Right Diet For You?

What's The Right Diet For You?

I do not know if you watched the Horizon program, but if you did, I wonder if you had as many light bulb moments like I did.

It was crazy; they were like a ball bearing setting off lights on a pinball machine. Each time a statement was made its nucleus rang true with me.

At Last.

Realization that I am not the only one with these particular feelings towards food, there are millions of others out there.

Scientists have identified three groups and their appointed approximately after each relationship with those of the food. Myself? I am a Craver Constant, so named because of the genes that make the victim'm hungry all the time. The guests have an intestinal hormone failed massively reduced their ability to know when they are full and then the emotional eaters eat as a reaction to stressful situations and experiences.

To identify each object various clinical trials have been initiated early on to see who would be in each group. After that, some very ingenious experiments were performed to confirm the results of the scientific.

The guests were confirmed at a meal where Sushi was served on a tread that was continually replenished. The wait staff cleared the plates eaters and literally piled in front of an image of the eater. At the end of the meal, after counting the plates, it was pretty easy to see those who ate the most. In some cases, the guests ate more than twice as much as the subjects of a different group.

Emotional eaters have been a driving test that raised stress levels at such a high significant that when it was all over and they offered food, they indulged much more than other topics that have not affected by the same stress levels.

Finally the constant Cravers were identified by a longer process, but no less ingenious. They were fed a hearty lunch and two hours later they were presented food and sweets on plates presented to them one at a time. When they saw something they really wanted to they should tighten their grip handle digital meters, the tighter they squeezed more they wanted the particular point on the plate. It turned out that constant Cravers the test group pulled harder for sugary and fatty foods beyond the healthy stuff.

So with the three groups identified it was now time to put everyone on the correct diet.

Constant Cravers have been on intermittent fasting diet where daily diet should watch their calories but not always denied the pleasure of an apple, low-calorie food bar or nonfat yogurt that have now been used as a replacement to the constant grazing on sandwiches and chips. On two of the days, however, the subject was required to stick to a maximum of 800 calories for the whole day. This means that although there is pain, it was limited to two days and a lot more likely to succeed than dieters knew there was a specific end point.

Guests needed a simple diet to meet the requirement to eat as much in one sitting. It came from the low GI foods, hearty soups and other foods that have favored the release of GLP-1 hormone.

Emotional eaters were not only subjected to a relatively sensible calorie controlled diet with foods that have made them feel full longer, but also a support system that offered them cognitive behavioral therapy and recommended to reach groups weight loss support and online forums for weight loss.

A very interesting show and experience that I took directly to heart and put into practice immediately. I fasted for two days this week and to be honest it was not that hard. The problem reared its head after I completed the fasting days. It was as if I knew I was good and as such my body wanted to load of crap.

Treats, STAT!

I deserve.

I can actually understand how candy can be earned at times, but they can often lead to troubled thinking (or lack thereof) that follows, leading to a food diary entry that may look like this:

"I went out for lunch and had a burger and fries because I had done so well with my diet this week. Because I ate a burger and fries, I thought I might as well be death by chocolate cake to follow and drink three glasses of regular (not diet) sweetened beverage. On the way back I needed fuel (variety of car) so I stopped and I thought, well, as I had that cake for pudding I may as well have a chocolate bar or two. "

This is an extremely difficult thing to stop the brain from time to time to the diet in this illogical way. Believe me, I know from experience how difficult it can be when the brain is fighting with himself by saying "I really do not want to be fat, but my goodness me, I want that chocolate more."

Perhaps this suggests that there should not be any treats until the main goal is reached. Perhaps it would take a daily treat. I guess it's all down to the individual. I have not yet found the answer myself. I know in the past I've been on and off diets like "there is no tomorrow" but I'm always rewarded me. I think in all reality people like me can not be trusted with treats. Over the years I have learned that I can not keep anything "fantasy" in closets because for some reason it is not just a couple of biscuits, it's all a bloody package.

It's simple if it's there, I'll eat and undo all this great work I put in.

So while I'm on my diet of the pre op intermittent fasting diet is ideal for me as long as I can go beyond this first day back to normality. Taking these points into account, it becomes easier for me to understand why a gastric sleeve procedure would be the answer for me. If I do not have the ability, I just can not sit down and eat the whole package.

But please do not be under the impression that surgery is the easy way.

All it does is remove my goodness, not my desire to eat. It follows many years of hard work after the surgery, not only physically but also psychologically because I recycle my brain to change their eating habits.

It's either that or I'm meeting St. Peter at the Pearly Gates - After living life as a fat guy who happened to be where I'm headed in the end, no doubt?

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