
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

3 Natural Strategies to Suppress Your Appetite

3 Natural Strategies to Suppress Your Appetite

If you have struggled with your weight, I'm sure you have tried to find ways to simply control your appetite or desire to eat. There are many hormones that affect our appetite and satiety. Some help us feel full. Give me more of those, right? Other hormones increase our appetite and must be kept in check. So instead of adding the appetite suppression herbs and supplements that do not lead to permanent weight loss, it is better to focus on how to better control our own regulating appetite naturally.

3 Natural strategies to suppress your appetite:

1. Slow Down. More and more research shows that eating slowly helps control calorie intake. There are several factors involved here. For starters, research has shown that individuals eating slower naturally ate less, but felt as satisfied as if they had eaten more food but ate more quickly. Other studies have shown that satiety 60+ minutes after a meal has been slower than in the diet group vs. the group of fast food. Some studies have looked deeper and found that satiety hormones, those who keep us full, are higher and appetite-stimulating hormones are lower after meals when individuals ate slower. No matter what happens physiologically and which has been replicated in a study that I have experienced first hand, and so have many of my clients, the difference in what we eat, when to take the time to slow down and enjoy our food. Slow while we eat also promotes better digestion. Eating slowly is probably the most important behavior change you can make to permanent weight management.

2. stay hydrated. Our brain interprets often thirsty evil and hunger. I do not know about you but when I'm hungry, I eat. Not be obvious here, but Ms. eating when your body does not need, it can lead to weight gain. So do yourself a favor and fill the bottle with water. Even mild dehydration can lead to fatigue and / or headaches, two other things that make people, including myself, want to eat. Water also helps us feel full. In addition to the adequate intake of water / fluid is also a good idea to eat a diet that contains water-rich foods such as fresh / frozen fruits and vegetables, low-sodium soups, baked beans, etc. . Dryer foods, such as crackers, dried fruit and beef jerky tend to be less filling because of their lack of water.

3. stop dieting. That's right, diets do not lead to permanent weight management. Often the regimes restrict our calories leads to excellent initial results. However, inside our body registers that there is a shortage of food, he does not realize that we are doing this on purpose. When we fall off the diet, our body increases our hunger hormones and refuses our satiety hormones that allows us to gain the weight back with ease so he can prepare for the next famine. Our bodies are still very primitive and recognize that if we do not eat we cease to exist. If you want to drop weight long you have to read the tortoise and the hair. Slow and steady wins the race. I have also experienced this first hand. I struggled to keep my weight down for a number of years. Only I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes that I realized that I needed to make a real change. I lost 20 pounds and kept if off for years. I did it without dieting and deprivation. I enjoyed my vacation and holidays without gaining weight, minimized my stress eating and lost weight during the few times when I felt like things were routine and balanced. It took me several years to get the weight but the process was easy and the weight is staying off.

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