
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Powerful Evolutionary Urges Drive Us - Controlling These Helps Our Snacking Habits

Powerful Evolutionary Urges Drive Us - Controlling These Helps Our Snacking Habits

Your readers and instincts are very powerful. There are evolutionary triggers to make us behave in certain ways. These discs have shaped our past, they shape our every thought and action, they are designed to make us more likely to survive or to make it more likely that we will succeed our genes. If they did not then they would have no benefit and would not be passed from generation to before, they would simply die and we do not have these urges.

So if you have a strong desire, thought, feeling or emotion, then you know that it will have certain characteristics and it comes with a powerful evolutionary cause.

It will have an advantage, it will be very difficult to ignore and everyone has these feelings.

Knowing this, we can then think about these feelings and urges more constructively.

If we want a good management of the size we need to manage the calories in calories out. We will have to deal with hunger, thirst, satiety (feeling full) and the need to move our body, fatigue, rest and sleep.

Reflection on the calorie equation, calories are based on everything you eat and drink. On the other side of the balanced equation we calories expended. It is a function of the activity and how you move your body.

Unfortunately for us your survival instincts have not provided us with an insatiable desire to exercise. If they had, we would all move well enough to not have to think about it.

We need better lifestyle design features that have been incorporated into our brains for hundreds of thousands of years support us in achieving the management of large size if we work with them.

The desire to eat is powerful, thirst also urges. These are survival urges.

The desire to seek the company of humans and be accepted by anyone we meet or group is powerful too. When we feel alone or a little sad that we have to find and connect with others or our souls begin to waste away.

This is because there are 40 thousand years (from when our genes have hardly changed) if we were not accepted by the group we'd be dead. This is because to survive on our own would not have been possible without a group.

This is why group acceptance is so vital in our biological drives. Understanding what is very helpful in understanding some of our behaviors snacking and suggest a solution.

We are led to comfort eating because food makes us feel good. But eating to fill an emotional hole is never going to work for more than a few minutes at a time and even nagging desire will return.

If you feel like this, the fastest and most useful solution is to try to connect to someone close to you.

Ideally, we live in an age of electronic communication and fast and it is one of the important keys in sadness nibble hit on the head.

Be aware of this risk is the first step. The next step is to try it. Do not worry if you are skeptical, that's OK. You do not know me. I'm not in your group.

Try it for yourself.

See you another day for more .

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