
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Proponents of The Paleo Diet Have Always Been Winning the Debate

Proponents of The Paleo Diet Have Always Been Winning the Debate

How supporters of paleo diet have always won the debate on critical because the facts by the critics are not strong, are not without scientific basis and are:

If you are not familiar with this popular diet, paleo diet (also known as the "Caveman Diet") prescribes an eating pattern that reflects the way your fathers ate back in the day.

"Although in theory this may seem a healthy diet plan, especially when removing salt and sugar, it has removed a number of recommended foods such as milk and cereals. The foods offer nutritional value, such as calcium, vitamin D, magnesium and phosphorus in milk and the B vitamins, fiber and antioxidants in the diet, "says Joy Dubost, licensed nutritionist and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and dietetics.

Lisa Sassoon, a nutritionist and clinical assistant professor permitted nutrition at the University of New York, agrees. "There is no real study behind it either and it eliminates factors that have research behind them .. Supply, legumes and low-fat milk"

This study showed that the nutritional value in legumes, whole milk feed and help reduce the risk of osteoporosis and cardiac arrest, blood vessels reduce stress
levels and to maintain an appropriate and balanced body weight, depending Dubost.

Critics also say the paleo diet that supporters of paleo diet resist progress. Critics argue that the adoption of agriculture was the biggest milestone humanity has achieved. In their argument, critics point out that the domestication of plants and crops allowed humanity to have plenty of food and helped human civilizations go out.

Proponents of the Paleo diet not waste time pushing the argument of the previous reviews as unfounded. In their argument against the supporters of the paleo diet argue that practitioners Paleo diet are not resistant to progress. Instead, practitioners Paleo diet often go to the supermarket and buy black berries, lawyers, home grown potatoes, kale and herbs. Most paleo diet practitioners lack the orchards and they do not have plots of land to grow their own fruit. They can not find lawyers to eat in the desert. In disagreement with the accusation of criticism of resisting progress, supporters argue that the paleo diet is totally groundless to label a group of people who go to the same supermarket with the rest of society as progress fighters because they do not buy cereal, juice processed oils and processed supermarket!

In fact, supporters of the cave man diet go in depth explaining the very root of the problem lies in the lack of genetic adaptation and not in the adoption of agriculture itself.

Proponents of the caveman diet say

"Agriculture in itself is not the main cause of today's diseases and soaring human stress levels. It is the place of agriculture and industrialization in the last 200 years that has caused the emergence of certain harmful foods if they are treated in the wrong direction and if used to replace beneficial foods such as lean meat. humans are not genetically adapted to these harmful foods. Therefore, the abundance of disease, obesity and stress in the modern world of our day. A perfect example is the vegetable "potato" starches.

With the advent of processed oils we enjoy today fries as a must with any fast food meal. Not only human beings were not genetically adapted to eat these processed foods 100,000 years ago, but humans 200 years ago also not suitable to eat these processed foods. There was not enough time for genetic adaptation. And this gap between our Stone Age genes and our newly adopted lifestyle is the cause of all modern diseases, including obesity. Therefore, the adoption of a paleo diet meal plan is the only way to resolve this discrepancy. Thus, for the supporters of the paleo diet the question "is the Paleo diet healthy?" is irrelevant ... For developers and practitioners, paleo diet is the only way to fix the gap between our Stone Age genes and our newly adopted lifestyle.

The processed starchy and fried potato is not the only harmful food that our bodies are not genetically adapted to. The list goes on and on. Take for example, multigrain breads and the excessive amount of digestive diseases and intestine caused by them. We ask all gluten practitioners, and they tell us how relieved their stomachs and bowels felt once they went gluten free. So our argument against is not a paleo fantasy as critics like to label it. It is true paleo based on solid scientific evidence that human genes have not had enough time to adjust to the excessive amount of new processed foods, oils and vegetables so a paleo diet menu is the only solution all modern diseases "

The statement is simple: diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease problems are diseases of "civilization," and so, to fight against the harmful effects of the modern diet, we should return to a pre-civilization hunters -cueilleurs different diet plan meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. This shows all the gains of the agricultural revolution - food, milk, legumes, sodium and carbohydrates - are on the menu.
The statement is simple: diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease problems are diseases of "civilization," and so, to fight against the harmful effects of the modern diet, we should return to a pre-civilization hunters -cueilleurs different diet plan meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. This shows all the gains of the agricultural revolution - food, milk, legumes, sodium and carbohydrates - are on the menu.

To learn more about how supporters of the Paleo diet have won the debate, please visit us at .

In the world we live in today, people are increasingly turning to means, methods or plans that not only give them the best possible shape (Figure), but something that makes them fresh and cleaner inside.

An extremely popular mechanism for achieving this end is the famous Paleo diet plan In this plan, the focus moves entirely on a diet that consists of foods that were consumed by the first human beings, ie, essentially cavemen

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