
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Why Are We in Such a Hurry to Lose Weight So Quickly - Knowing It's Unrealistic?

Why Are We in Such a Hurry to Lose Weight So Quickly - Knowing It's Unrealistic?

I remain stunned by a statistic I recently learned. At this time of year, north of 80 percent of the people who - at the beginning of the year - said, "This time I want to say that this is the year I'm going to lose those pounds too much, "have given up. Done. Over. Wiped their hands and walked away.

The Centers for Disease Control says that in 2012, 69 percent of our population is overweight or obese, with nearly half of those people classified as "obese". Those extra pounds endorse a multitude of health problems, both physical and emotional; and we all know about them. Therefore, one might think that the urgency of taking a wider waistline might be enough incentive to stick to a more than six-week program.

One might think that. It would be wrong also.

The number one reason people leave their program is that they do not feel they are losing quickly. Certainly, if they could slow down the race for the fridge long enough to realize that a slow weight loss is faster than the weight loss, they could stay with it some more. Yet, in all fairness, it's hard to stay sober cold logic of your progress when the scale will not budge. "Get thin quick" scam artists are partly to blame for the false hopes that animate the frustration, but they are actually symptoms of a deeper problem promoting unrealistic player to lose weight faster than brick can fall to a six-foot wall.

So why are we in such a hurry?

There are two factors at play.

In no particular order, the first reason we crave to lose weight at a realistic pace, it is because we are afraid that we will lose our motivation before "get there." We think, "If I can just throw these books before my mojo going, I'll be fine. After all, once it evaporates, it is never to be seen again."

The reality is that the motivation FOLLOWS behavior; it does not cause him. What propels us to begin the journey are feelings of hopelessness, anger, shame, fear, self-loathing, embarrassment, all of the above, all of the above. It does not matter which dictionary you choose, none of these emotions will be associated with the definition of "motivation."

In fact, we start from a place of "inspiration" rather than "motivation" - and there's an important distinction that. "Inspiration" is external, while "motivation" is spawned inside. We can control the motivation but not inspiration. Moreover, despite the common knowledge, "inspiration" is not a choir of angels who enter high and it is not always pretty; it can be downright gritty and ugly. Have a doctor tell you that you are going to have a heart attack if you do not have to lose weight is a source of inspiration. Hear your spouse says, "You really let go. What happened to you?" is a source of inspiration. There are more understanding year in the rearview mirror as the windshield can be inspiring. Most of the time, we are inspired to change because of fear or pain. We hate where we are and we want to go fast and far away from him. To this end, we will do whatever it takes.

But because we do not take action, we get results. The scale movements, our rebounding energy, our clothes fit better. That feels good and the dark cloud begins to clear, leaving behind feelings of happiness, pride, success and empowerment; the definition of "motivation". Now motivated and driven by our own actions, we try other behaviors and achieve better results.

Motivation does not just "happen," he has built from small actions done repeatedly. It will appear when we need it. Invite him, a small change behavior and focus on what you feel.

The second reason why we are in such a hurry to lose weight - as opposed to a thought-out, healthy, and sustainable manner - is complicated, but partly due to the fact that "fat humiliation" is always accepted, even though so many other unscrupulous insults are now considered uncouth and vulgar. The humiliation and guilt of being overweight throws its victims within and out of control. Overweight is addressed fingers, stirring countless ignorant - in person and in the media - roughly proclaimed that if they had a better will and moral character stronger, they would thin Posts condescending, hurtful and hateful started without end..

The injustice of the way society treats its citizens, however the size is not the issue. What matters is that we, the punching bags of these cultural jabs, how react; swallow the false premise and believe that as long as you can "get its act together," he or she is not allowed to be fully happy and accepted.

Thus, once the decision to lose weight is done, we desperately want to do it in a hurry, allowing us to enjoy our lives in the end. Unfortunately, rapid unrealistic expectations perpetrated by fad diets and snake-oil charlatans reinforces feelings of disappointment, sadness and incompetence, some of the most powerful triggers of habit. This causes the trip to be more rock and more difficult, becoming unnecessarily laborious because the resumption of "comfort behaviors." Stands progress. A sense of failure and incompetence are still cemented in place and, unfortunately, the cycle is reborn.

Since we can not change the way people think, the solution is to silence his own inner jerk and appreciate that the number on the scale is no correlation to the moral value. If you are a moron £ 250, it will remain a jerk 150 pounds. If you are a, caring kind soul to 175 pounds, it will be the same ledge, even 35 pounds heavier.

We mistakenly believe that, during the conquest of our usual; it is always sunny, invoices will never arrive unannounced; stress will disappear; and our friends, families and co-workers will always treat us the way we expect. The Promised Land was announced as the destination to each application can plan.

Guess what? Is not going to happen.

One does not become "better" simply because the scale flashes the appropriate number. What happens is that he or she becomes healthier. Of course, people who have lost weight successfully may appear happy, but it is a result of the sense of accomplishment to beat a monkey climbed on our backs too long back, not because we have become " better. "

More importantly, happiness and health improvement have not started "goal weight." Rather, they begin the moment you put your foot on the path of change and they amplify with every extra step.

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