
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

How to Practice Moderation During the Holidays: Giving Yourself Permission

How to Practice Moderation During the Holidays: Giving Yourself Permission

It happens every year. Straight from mid-November, bakers start baking and stores are beginning to show large holiday goodies networks. office break rooms are starting to fill with ginger cookies, sweet breads, candy canes and truffles. In fact, one of the biggest complaints of many of my clients is that there are so many well-meaning people bringing all these goodies into offices, meeting and as gifts, and it is extremely hard to resist. Knowing the impact this has on our weight and health, why do we do this?

I'm sure you've already guessed. The food is the tradition. The food is comfort. The food is fun. I had the status of multiple clients insisted that he would not simply the holidays without some candy. Some of my clients are bakers and can not imagine this time of year without loading the flour and sugar to start endless rounds of treats that will be delivered as gifts. I love to cook and of course the Christmas season is the perfect excuse to bake delicious treats and gifts for the family.

What is your relationship with food this time of year?

The problem that many of us, myself included, said no. Nobody wants to deny a generous gift made with love, or say no to a holiday favorite that brings back childhood memories of Christmas. But likewise, nobody wants to gain weight and start the new year feeling worse than ever.

I know you already know that moderation is the key. We all know that. It's the "how" of moderation that we must address. In the same vein, I submit a key part of intuitive eating as a possible solution. Give yourself permission. Yes, permission. In the book intuitive eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, they call it "making peace with food."

Here's what you do: You see a tasty truffle something you like, but you do not have the right to eat for months. You have decided what the heck, it's the holidays. Before tearing and eat in one bite, ask yourself a few questions first. Are you hungry? Is there something that maybe you should eat first food? Is it something you really enjoy? Make sure you savor every bite? Will you be sure to stop after you've had enough, even if it means not finishing? If after checking with you in these areas, you always want the nose, go for it! You are much less likely to over-indulge if you have evaluated your motivation and to fully understand your choices. The added benefit is that you are less likely to feel guilt and shame are the end of the evening, because you have made choices that were thoughtful and considered.

I encourage you to try this technique at home and at your next appointment. It really helps to avoid situations of mindless eating and guilt that comes with resulting overeating.

Now, while this may work great during the holidays, it is a major technical always use. If you do not food "out of bounds" and give yourself permission to eat the food whenever you feel like it's OK, you eliminate the intense desire that comes with anything forbidden. In fact, you'll probably want less because it is not something that you might not have if you wanted. Knowing you can always enjoy later or tomorrow or next week to get rid of this need for it now.

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