
Thursday, March 19, 2015

How to motivate yourself to lose weight?

How to motivate yourself to lose weight?

What motivates you to lose weight?

Find a reason to lose a few pounds is not that hard. We all start with great enthusiasm, but when things get tough, it becomes difficult to keep the desire to improve. Usually it is a simple thing that gets us started on this path.

Would you feel more attractive and enjoy life? Do you want to be fit and strong, lower your blood pressure or pressure on your joints. You are the one who knows if your reason is enough to motivate you. Finding the motivation to lose weight might be the easy part. The difficult part is to stay enthusiastic and motivated.

How to stay motivated to lose weight?

It is not rocket science and there is nothing new. It all starts with a plan. Like everything you try, it takes some preparation if you want to be successful. It is important to look ahead and plan how to overcome obstacles along the way. Take control of the weight loss process and you greatly increase your chances of a successful change of lifestyle.

Unfortunately, most people do not plan ahead. Instead, they rely on two things: their initial enthusiasm, and when it wears off, their will. But these may not be sufficient to overcome the temptations and difficulties when we try to change our eating habits and lifestyle.

Here are some things you can do that may help you stay motivated to lose weight;

1. Write your weight loss plan. There is nothing that helps us stay on track better than having a plan to follow. Put the main reason for losing weight top in big bold letters. Think about what, why, how your goal of losing weight, but make it realistic and achievable.

2. Make a list of things you want to win by losing weight. Winning something is always more motivating than losing something. But here's the deal, the list has to be something you want for yourself, not what you think others want for you. Motivation and desire are personal things and come from within.

3. Decide how you will lose weight. There are three ways that work in general. You can do this by changing what you eat, exercise or changing what you eat and exercise. Changes in what we eat and how we become active to lose weight must become an integral part of our lives if we want to maintain weight.

4. Make some goals, but keep little ones. Achieving a small goal is lack of motivation that a bigger one. If your goal is to change your lifestyle by eliminating 3,500 calories per week from what you eat, write down how you will eliminate 3500 calories. A one pound every week, you might want to drop 52 pounds a year with one easy step. Pride to achieve a goal is a great motivator.

5. Reward yourself when you reach a goal. Provide an incentive to keep working at it, but do not use food as a reward for losing weight. The idea is that the celebration of your weight loss success motivate you and increase your desire to continue.

6. Get a buddy. Someone to support and encourage you. Working with other people who are interested in losing weight or fitness can help you encourage and greatly increase your chances of success. Whether family, friends or online chat room, having support can make a big difference to your success.

It is an open secret that the key to successful weight loss is motivated. But finding the motivation may be easier than staying motivated. Not seeing immediate results, boredom, lack of support from family and friends can sometimes make the motivation to fly out the window and make us give up. Click here to learn how to lose weight, get fit and stay motivated as you do.

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