
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

New Year, New You: Live Your Ideal 100 year life now!

New Year, New You: Live Your Ideal 100 year life now!

Another year has passed and a new year has begun, with high hopes, aspirations and goals for a new year more prosperous and healthier planned before. Shortly after the ball fell Time Square, balloons all jumped and hangovers have subsided, the New Year's resolutions, once made brilliantly often quickly forgotten and replaced by the habits of the past and old routines. To meet your goals and dreams for the coming year, you must first change your way of thinking. Change of mind changes everything! Achieve greater vision, increase the value for each day in advance, as a precious gift and a limited number.

How will spend your finished, minimum potential years remaining? Will you settle for business as usual or are you going to live your ideal proactively 100 years of life, achieve your goals with greater health and longevity? The fastest growing segments of the population in the world today are those who live to 100 years of life, the famous centenary. The media often highlights the extraordinary elderly parachuting, weightlifting and running marathons well into their 90's and beyond. Unfortunately, the vast majority are unprepared for the unexpected longevity ahead. The Greatest Generation has become the nursing home generation, often spending their last years remaining in nursing homes rather than cruise ships and golf courses.

If you go now realize that you can live longer than the generation that preceded you, make sure that you live with quality and not just quantity. Instead of worrying so much about insurance inadequate disease, focus on promoting "health insurance" abundant with new motivation for a lifestyle that is proactive. Develop a plan that promotes habits and changes needed to support a life of longevity and performance instead of chronicity and disease. The choices you make today will affect the quality and quantity of life of tomorrow, choose wisely and live well.

The essential steps to initiate a healthy and prosperous year ahead and beyond:

Instead of fasting feast! Recent research continues to confirm that one of the secrets of longevity is caloric restriction or the late, great Jack LaLanne used to say, "you have to control the limit in advance!" If you still eat like a king, you will still die like a king, obesity, heart attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes, etc. Start incorporating intermittent fasting twice a week by simply jumping a meal and not eat for at least 12 hours. Once dinner is over, do not eat until 10 or 11 o'clock the next day with an exercise routine done before for best results

Re-educate your language! The delights of holiday pies and cakes, butter and steaks, ice cream, cookies, candy and all dandy took a toll on your "craving" the taste buds. Your daily requirement of sweets to satisfy your palate and blunt waistline expansion is the symptom of resistance to leptin. The hormone leptin, produced by fat cells, signals the brain when it is full, which instructs your body to reduce hunger, increase fat burning and reduce fat storage. Unfortunately, too many sweets cause your body to become resistant to leptin and never reach satiety. Your so-called "sweet tooth" is your body does not respond to leptin or leptin resistance. In addition, the elimination of all sugars and grains from your diet while adding foods rich in nutrients, natural, will also cure your burned- on insulin receptors (insulin resistance) and change obesity and diabetes forecasts for health and longevity.

Upload your E.S.S. shape: Endurance, Strength and Structure! For endurance, start with 20 minutes a day of interval training on a treadmill, life cycle, elliptical, or simply walking to maximize your cardiovascular system. Within your workout 20 minutes of endurance, burst your activity for 30 seconds every two minutes for superior results in burning fat. For quick reinforcement, good weight training strengthens muscles fast and helps to burn fat at any age. Regular exercise increases endorphins and feel good neurotransmitters, to further promote your new healthy lifestyle with confidence that last.

The structure of your body determines the function of your body or how it works. Recent research shows the negative effects of "Tech Neck" created by the constant head forward posture and the inverted neck curve while looking down on our smart phones, tablets and computers. More than 60 additional pounds of force is applied to the lower vertebrae abnormally our neck and intervertebral disc in this defective position, opening the way for degenerative disc disease and rapid aging. Posture and corrective chiropractic marrow with specific rehabilitation techniques, effectively addresses this common problem, with results that last, reverse the aging process and add years to your life and life to your years.

Embrace life in 2015 and start living your ideal life 100 years!

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