
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

8 Stress Relieving Things To Do To Stop Overeating

8 Stress Relieving Things To Do To Stop Overeating

Stress causing you to head straight for the refrigerator? Do you find that every time you get stressed you start overeating? If you want to be happy and healthy, you have to get your stress under control. You can stop overeating and feeling relaxed just doing a few simple things to relieve stress. Let's face it, life is too short to spend half the stress. Here are eight ways to learn to relax or take your frustrations that cause you stress. If you are ready to stop overeating due to stress and start to feel better as the time to start is now.

1. Take a nature walk. You can go on a nature walk by yourself or take the kids and go out. Take a walk in your neighborhood and pick up objects like leaves, rocks, feathers, or other interesting things you find along the way. When you get home, you can take a piece of cardboard and glue all your wonderful conclusions together to make a collage.

You can also take a walk in the park and just enjoy the beauty around you. If you live near the mountain, you can take a nice walk through all the tourist areas. Take a picnic and make a day of it. Walking and hiking are exceptional for burning calories so you do not have to feel guilty for having a nice lunch while you are.

2. Pull out for a drive in a remote area. Turn on your stereo loudly and shout as loud as you can to relieve stress. Howling is a fantastic way to get angry. Yell what causes you stress. If there is someone, yell at them and tell them how you feel. Let it all and you will feel better in no time.

3. Go to a batting cage and hit some balls out of frustration and anger. Once you hit all the balls with the bat, choose them all and put them in a pile. Now begin laying as hard as you can take your frustrations. Imagine that you are throwing them at any or one that is causing your stress.

4. Go to your yard, lying on a blanket in the grass and finding pictures in the clouds. See how many you can find different pictures.

5. Get a set of phone and pretend to call someone you are angry against. Scream and yell at them and tell them everything they did it makes you crazy. When you get done, that I forgive you and mean. Remember, you hurt you more staying angry against someone. They probably do not know or even care that you are crazy. So just forgive them and get on with your new happy life.

6. Establish a happiness project. Think a kind of project that would actually make you feel happier in your life. What kind of things you could do that you would enjoy? Where would you live? Would you choose the same partner? Would you go out with the same friends, or do you want to make major changes in your life? Once you understand these things, they will help you with your project happiness.

7. Go to the park, sit on the bench and watch the opposite sex for the sake of doing so.

8. Develop a dartboard in your garden or on your patio and throw darts. Invite some friends and have a dart tournament. The best thing about darts is that you can play alone or with others.

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