
Monday, March 23, 2015

Lose Weight After 40 - Who Can Succeed ?

Lose Weight After 40 - Who Can Succeed ?

Who can successfully lose weight after 40? Most healthy people after 40 have a greater chance of weight loss success than in their younger years. This may seem a strange statement, because most people know that your metabolism slows with age. Hormones also play a role in weight differences. So why would the 40 year old to have a better chance of losing weight than they did 10 years earlier? The answer lies with time. Most people in their 40 s or later, are done with school, have a job created, and may have older children. Although the tendency to start a family is to start later in life, but even then the family are smaller and the length of time to raise children decreases.

Often in races such as the marathon, cycling, or swimming competitions, the 40 and over competitors who make the best time. The reason is that they have more time to devote to training and exercise.

The downside of trying to lose weight after 40 is that your body can not respond to exercise more quickly than twenty years ago. But the good thing is that you can have more time to focus on yourself. It may be easier to prepare and eat meals that are healthier than your family as aging and.

People over 40 tend to have more money they can spend on themselves. Gym memberships can be used more for 40 people, more because they have more time and money.

Tips to lose weight after 40

* Use time to your advantage. Join a group for weight loss either locally or online. Have a great support system is very rewarding and improves your chances of weight loss success.

* Use a daily food journal. Write down what you eat for each meal and snack. Then you can get a better idea of ​​what types of foods you eat mainly.

* Try a new sport, exercise program or activity. Do not act your age! Explore and have fun with new adventures. A new activity could raise motivation and make you feel better. Who knows, you can enjoy and then you'll have an easier to be active and stay healthy time.

* Be positive. Be kind to yourself and your body. Your body has been through a lot with you, so do not downgrade its current state. It has the potential and you have the power within yourself to get there.

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