
  • Change your eating life style

  • losing weight safely

  • Enjoy a healthy food

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Weight Loss Continues to Be Unreachable - Is Stress One of the Factors?

Weight Loss Continues to Be Unreachable - Is Stress One of the Factors?

I was recently at the grocery store and took knowledge of how the struggle for weight control fails miserably in our culture. There was a beautiful woman who was very overweight and ill even to walk through the store. If you have seen from the waist up, she looked like a healthy weight, but from the waist, it would be considered obese. It was a reminder that the simple formula of calories in versus calories not work for many men and women who are fighting this battle for years and years.

There must be something else! Metabolic imbalance? An imbalance in the gut? Toxic overload? Hormonal imbalance? Where do we start?

In last month's article, I gave you advice on how to manage stress during the holiday season. Of course, the holidays can be a time of year when our stress levels are at full capacity. In this article I want to focus on the physiological changes that occur with chronic stress that many of us experience every day and how it may impact on the struggle for a healthy weight.

Fight or life saving response -nature flight

The fight or flight response is the physiological reaction that occurs during periods of perceived threat - a threat to our survival. Throughout history when chased by a wild animal the human body needed to evolve to collect all the energy needed to win this hunt. Many systems will be modified to allow the muscular action necessary to flee. Some of the changes that will occur include:

Increased heart rate and blood pressure to get blood to the muscles and other organs.
Increased rate of breathing to allow enough oxygen to the brain and muscles.
Blood sugar and fat are released from storage to provide the necessary energy.
A cascade of hormones ultimately leads to an increase in cortisol levels to allow the body to remain at high alert.
Again, these are all important process when we run a wild animal. But today, in our high stress environment, it is the everyday stressors that cause these changes are chronic. Not only is this response to stress can increase cortisol levels when it can disrupt the natural rhythm of cortisol in the body.

Chronic dilemma fight or flight

Why is this a problem? Let's look at what happens when cortisol levels remain high.

blood sugar remains high.
Glucose is not easily used by the energy cells and the cells are less responsive to insulin.
sugar cravings and feelings of increased hunger.
Fat burning decreases.
Hormones including DHEA, testosterone, growth hormone and thyroid stimulating hormone are deleted.
Fat storage increases, raising abdominal fat and the creation of a fatty liver.
Triglycerides circulating in the blood increase.
So what's the problem? Your neuroendocrine system does not realize that you do not fight or flee! He continues to respond to stress with a multitude of reactions resulting in feelings of increased hunger and increased the desire for quick energy carbohydrates, allowing an increase in abdominal fat deposits.

Although you may be working hard to control your calorie intake and get adequate exercise, stress that you have become so accustomed to fighting your ability to succeed in your efforts to maintain a healthy weight.

What can you do about it? Become a better stress manager.

Eliminate stress! Good idea, right? Of course, this may be easier said than done. The fact is, however, that people who are the healthiest (and most successful) are not necessarily those who have less stress than the rest of us. They are people who are great to deal with the stress they are constantly bombarded with.

Your work - get great at managing stressors in your life! Not only will you reduce your risk of chronic disease, a smaller waist size is also an important result.

Steps you can take

Whenever you feel your body tensing or your blood pressure rising, simply stop and take three deep breaths.
Before starting a meal. Take three deep breaths.
Practice meditation. Spend at least five minutes each day sitting quietly, listening to your breathing or soothing music, or use a guided meditation (I love the application simply being).
Make a list of your priorities. When you are prompted to add something to your calendar before saying yes - think if it fits into your priorities.
Use positive self-talk to help you calm down and control your stress. Instead of saying "I can not do it," say "I'll do the best I can."
Practice yoga or tai chi.
Do something fun every day.
If you struggle to get the best health you desire, start managing your stress. I promise it will be worth the effort.

How to Practice Moderation During the Holidays: Giving Yourself Permission

How to Practice Moderation During the Holidays: Giving Yourself Permission

It happens every year. Straight from mid-November, bakers start baking and stores are beginning to show large holiday goodies networks. office break rooms are starting to fill with ginger cookies, sweet breads, candy canes and truffles. In fact, one of the biggest complaints of many of my clients is that there are so many well-meaning people bringing all these goodies into offices, meeting and as gifts, and it is extremely hard to resist. Knowing the impact this has on our weight and health, why do we do this?

I'm sure you've already guessed. The food is the tradition. The food is comfort. The food is fun. I had the status of multiple clients insisted that he would not simply the holidays without some candy. Some of my clients are bakers and can not imagine this time of year without loading the flour and sugar to start endless rounds of treats that will be delivered as gifts. I love to cook and of course the Christmas season is the perfect excuse to bake delicious treats and gifts for the family.

What is your relationship with food this time of year?

The problem that many of us, myself included, said no. Nobody wants to deny a generous gift made with love, or say no to a holiday favorite that brings back childhood memories of Christmas. But likewise, nobody wants to gain weight and start the new year feeling worse than ever.

I know you already know that moderation is the key. We all know that. It's the "how" of moderation that we must address. In the same vein, I submit a key part of intuitive eating as a possible solution. Give yourself permission. Yes, permission. In the book intuitive eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, they call it "making peace with food."

Here's what you do: You see a tasty truffle something you like, but you do not have the right to eat for months. You have decided what the heck, it's the holidays. Before tearing and eat in one bite, ask yourself a few questions first. Are you hungry? Is there something that maybe you should eat first food? Is it something you really enjoy? Make sure you savor every bite? Will you be sure to stop after you've had enough, even if it means not finishing? If after checking with you in these areas, you always want the nose, go for it! You are much less likely to over-indulge if you have evaluated your motivation and to fully understand your choices. The added benefit is that you are less likely to feel guilt and shame are the end of the evening, because you have made choices that were thoughtful and considered.

I encourage you to try this technique at home and at your next appointment. It really helps to avoid situations of mindless eating and guilt that comes with resulting overeating.

Now, while this may work great during the holidays, it is a major technical always use. If you do not food "out of bounds" and give yourself permission to eat the food whenever you feel like it's OK, you eliminate the intense desire that comes with anything forbidden. In fact, you'll probably want less because it is not something that you might not have if you wanted. Knowing you can always enjoy later or tomorrow or next week to get rid of this need for it now.

Lose Weight Without Exercise, How To Make Healthy Choices To Your Diet To Lose Excess Weight

Lose Weight Without Exercise, How To Make Healthy Choices To Your Diet To Lose Excess Weight

OK first before going further in this. I do not recommend that you try to lose weight without exercise. If you try to lose weight, then you should do some sort of regular exercise or physical activity to burn extra calories and shape of your body.

For those who have absolutely no motivation to exercise to lose weight, it can be done with some crafts and planning. The first thing to understand is that to lose weight you need to have a calorie reduction somewhere along the line, this could be your diet or it could be the year. In this case, we will focus on food choices and lifestyle that you do.

We'll start by looking at the amount of calories you consume on a daily basis. This is important because you need to know how many calories you are taking. This can be done very easily with a simple food diary or planner. This planner would also contain details of the foods you eat every day of the week.

The reason you must save the food you eat with the expenditure of calories is so that you can identify foods high in calories that can cause weight gain, and can make weight loss a bit of a problem. Because you are not exercising, this step can not be overlooked.

Then we have to take a look at exactly what you eat. The content of the food will be stored in the planner of the food so that you can identify each food group and recognize the nutritional value, there should be. This is what allows you to identify any foods that are high in calories and replace them with low-calorie foods. As we need a reduction of calories from your diet, we need to know what foods provide more calories.

Now we can focus more on what foods and drinks you should consume on a daily basis to lose weight. Water is a good place to start. It is a good practice to drink a glass of water with every meal you have. When you drink water that reduce the chances of you overeat, the water will help you feel fuller with each meal.

Another common problem the body faces is the difference between hunger and thirst. Sometimes we think we are hungry when we are thirsty so we eat more food, which can in turn cause weight gain or be against-productive for weight loss.

Water should replace sugary drinks in your diet. Sugary drinks are usually very high in calories and other artificial sweeteners. These types of soft drinks are OK to have as a treat, but should not be the main drink you have.

Instead of watching portion sizes, you need to count your calories if you want to lose weight without any form of exercise. You must burn more calories than you consume, otherwise you will not lose weight. There are many ways that you can track the amount of calories you eat, food planners and mobile applications to provide useful solutions for this.

The next thing to look at would be the BMR, your basal metabolic rate. Even without any exercise you are still burning calories just by being alive. When you know what your BMR you will know how much space you have to play with, and you can adjust your diet accordingly.

The range of healthy weight is to lose about 1-2 kg per week. It is a safe pace to go by, and should not need any kind of hunger to stick to this baseline. One pound equals 3500 calories, so a deficit of 500 calories needed each day of the wee to achieve this healthy weight reduction.

Another good strategy when it comes to diet is to eat more foods that leave you full longer and keep your metabolism busy at the same time. The best way to do this is to focus on foods that are high in fiber such as certain fruits (raspberries, pears and apples), vegetables (broccoli and peas) legumes and nuts, whole grains such as spaghetti, bran flakes, and barley.

Taking smaller bites when you eat is also a good way to reduce the amount of food you eat. This allows you to eat more slowly and helps you recognize when you shoot full to avoid overeating.

Make sure you eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it should not be ignored, even if you want to lose weight. Healthy weight loss is to eat small meals every 3 to 4 hours although the day at the main energy and metabolic rate without dying food the body of hunger. If you skip breakfast, you are more likely to overeat at the next meal.

5 Typical Mistakes Made When Trying To Lose Unwanted Belly Fat

5 Typical Mistakes Made When Trying To Lose Unwanted Belly Fat

Why is it that when you are trying to lose belly fat it seems that the most difficult thing to do? While the other fat on your body is hard enough to burn the last fat to leave us is the one that covers our abdominal muscles. So if you are trying to get fit and healthier, where people go wrong when they try to lose belly fat?

1. Think crunches will burn belly fat.

Make loads of crunches and sit-ups will not burn belly fat. These exercises work and tone your abdominal muscles, but you need to burn fat covering the muscles first. There are some great exercises that burn belly fat, such as resistance and cardio training. You also need to control the amount of calories you consume each day.

2. Eat what and when you want because you exercise regularly.

You can exercise as hard as you want, but if those calories you have burned are replaced by unhealthy foods, chemicals and extra fat, it is very unlikely that you will achieve your goal of fat loss. Remember that even if you exercise regularly, this does not mean that you will not lose belly fat if you eat a lot of bad food.

3. Not including resistance training into your workout.

You must include resistance training or weight lifting into your workout routine if you want to lose belly fat. The reason is that muscle burns more calories even while resting. Resistance training helps you build strength, muscle tone and it will not turn you into a bulky bodybuilder. Large muscles of a body builder are the result of a very specific and difficult exercise program, often combined with supplements boost muscle.

4. Only doing cardio long sessions.

If you spend a few hours on the treadmill or stationary bike at the same pace, it will not help you get those flat abdominal muscles showing through. You do not need to include a cardiovascular activity to increase your heart rate, the condition of your lungs and burn fat, but to get the maximum results from your cardio exercises, using interval training. This is where you alternate between high intensity exercise with low intensity recovery periods.

5. Do not make changes to your lifestyle.

You must commit to changing your lifestyle to improve your nutrition and fitness. If you still feel you are on a diet and exercise that you do not, it will be very difficult to break that unwanted fat around your abdomen. There are lots of healthy and nutritious foods out there that you have probably never tried and many different types of exercise you enjoy to do you make the effort to try some on.

Benefits of Fat Burners

Benefits of Fat Burners

Not a single day goes by where people health conscious do not think about losing weight. Cut the calories of the food is the best way to lose a few extra pounds, but can create a number of nutritional deficiencies in your body. Supplements are a great way to lose weight and shed unwanted fat without compromising health or impair in any way. Not only that, but some of the recommended supplements help increase the metabolic rate, Jack hormones to burn fat, mobilize stored fat and reduce your appetite. Here are some ingredients to burn fat you want in your fat burners that are suitable for your weight loss goal.

Citrus aurantium / synephrine

Also known as bitter orange, this substance contains several alkaloids that stimulate beta-3 receptors of the body to boost metabolism and increase fat burning. It comes in combination with green tea extract and Salix matsudana and is known as Citrus aurantium or bitter orange. This supplement increases the release of fat storage body by increasing the rate of metabolism in the process. This means that you will burn about 200 extra calories in the day by taking this supplement each day doing normal activities and routine work. So even if you consume 3000 calories every day with little or no exercise, you can continue to eat the same amount and still burn 200 calories more with synephrine. Gradually, you have reached your weight loss goal in an ideal way. A strong pre-workout thermogenic fat burner that will give your body the blow he needs to work hard during training while protecting muscle mass. Thermogenic fat burner can be taken in the morning because they also contain ingredients to reduce cravings.


Caffeine will help boost your metabolism and increases the release of body fat for energy use. Burning more fat your body will spare carbohydrates and improve endurance during exercise. It Cal also improve the effects of other fat burning compound such as green tea and citrus aurantium. Most fat burners include a form of caffeine and will boost your metabolism throughout the day and are specific to consume each day in the morning or before a workout. (Recommended not to after 14 hours that caffeine affects your sleep)

Green Coffee Extract

Reduce post meal glucose surges

This ingredient can be found in the coffee berries and contains high levels of chlorogenic acid. This compound acts in two ways. Green coffee extract helps reduce the absorption of sugar into the blood by the intestine. This inhibits the enzyme in the liver to less glucose being released into the bloodstream. With less disposable glucose, the body burns more fat stored in adipose tissue as an energy source instead of glucose. Clinical studies have shown those taking green coffee extract for 60 days showed 5.7% weight loss and 4% of lean body mass to fat mass ratio increased. A typical dose is 100 to 400 mg, taken before a meal.


Glucomannan is another supplement recommended for people who want to reduce their appetite and lose weight thereafter. This supplement creates a comfortable feeling of fullness, suppressing your appetite and helps in income reduces your calorie intake. Optiburn AMPED and Oxyshred are two common fat burners that include components to reduce the cravings of hunger and satiety.

Another stimulant free supplement that can be taken regularly and at any time during the day is MRM CLA 1250. This product is generally recommended to take in conjunction with a stimulant fat burner for enhanced effect.

MRM CLA 1250

CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) is a fatty acid shown in studies to preserve lean body mass while reducing body fat. It seems that CLA affects two enzymes that breaks down fat from the cells and breaks down fat in the blood. Studies show a higher loss of body fat and increase lean muscle mass for those who take 2-6g of CLA per day compared to placebo. It seems that CLA helps people lose more fat, prevents fat from being stored and muscle savings too. He is best known for its slimming effect quickly notice that you lose inches weight. This is because it increases the proportion of lean muscle to fat. Muscle weighs more than fat, so do not measure results strictly by weight loss.

Bouncing Back Into a Healthy Routine After Christmas

Bouncing Back Into a Healthy Routine After Christmas

Are you fretting about the holiday season and think of all the Christmas goodies that are hard to resist, especially when your grandmother is to serve you until its double fudge chocolate Christmas cake taste 22 hours on Christmas Eve! Well, you're not alone! We all know how it feels to overindulge in some of our favorite foods when with friends and family, especially during the holidays. If you have been in line with your lifestyle healthy this year, you can let the reins go a little and take some treats for yourself.

Now, once the end of the holidays and we enjoyed quality time with family and friends, we realize then it's time to stop slipping and get back on track. It is time to push the motivation and drive to make healthy choices again. However, after a week of delivering this is easier said than bouncing and stay motivated and work towards your goal. It is always better to take a pace back into your routine as going too fast and too hard to push can quickly result in you falling of the wagon quickly. So in order to bounce back during and after the holiday season we have the following tips to help you stay or go back on track depending on when you decide to be good!

Drink Up

Remember that with movement, activities, cocktails and late nights increased during the Christmas holidays, your body will be exhausted and dehydrated. Therefore, it is important that you increase your water intake. E.g. mature adults lose about 2.5 to 3 liters of water per day. This amount may increase depending on the activities and hot weather. Therefore, it is recommended that the sufficient daily dose of liquid for mature adult is between 2 to 2.5 liters per day. Depending on who some of you may need to increase or decrease your fluid intake. Staying hydrated will help you bounce back as it will help reduce cravings for sweet foods we are sure you indulged in the weekend. If you are struggling drinking water, we recommend adding natural flavors such as cucumber, mint and lemon as they also help with moisturizing, pH levels and detoxification.

Increased water consumption will reduce bloating and flush toxins carried in processed foods, sweets.

Go Raw

This is something we know a lot of people are cautious about trying raw foods. However, incorporating some raw foods in your meals after the festivities will help you feel alive and recharged. Due to the heavy sugar and carbohydrates you may have possibly been at Christmas, the raw food consumption will help your digestive system and give your body a break. Including raw foods at every meal is a simple as having a new smoothie in the morning and a fresh salad for lunch.

Restore your pH levels

After endless nights of partying and cocktails, it is important to restore your alkaline equilibrium levels. This will improve your energy levels and reduce bloating and inflammation. You can do this by enjoying a cup of lemon during meals and morning.

Do cardio and weights

After a few too many cupcakes and cocktails during the festivities, your body will have extra glycogen stored in the muscles. To burn stored fat through this you will increase your cardio and weights, to improve the complete routine body and movement. Fat burners can be taken to improve the fat burning process while exercising. You can consider combining your thermogenic fat burner tablets with MRM CLA improves the cells of your body's energy source from disk to achieve the stored fat. MRM CLA will also reduce the amount of fat your body stores, as combined with regular exercise. Combining high interval session in your regular workout routine will also increase your fat burning process and reduce the level of stress, which in turn also reduces sugar cravings and emotional eating.

Rest and help digestion

As a point of bounce in your healthy routine start, we recommend you to recharge and relax with a good 30 minutes walk after dinner for the next days. This will also help you relax before bed while enjoying some much needed "time" after a weekend. Make sure you re-establish your sleep routine by getting at least 7.5 hours of rest every night, as this will also help reset your system.


If you have had several weeks off at Christmas, it is important to ease your way back into a healthy routine. Be sure to slowly increase your exercise routines and weight amount. You run too quickly can increase the risk of injury and also reduce your motivation and fun. Including Fat Burning Supplement is also a good way to stimulate the fat burning process in your body after all these cheeky cakes and keep you motivated and energized throughout the day.

Three Reasons Why Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss Works

Three Reasons Why Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss Works

Weight loss is the ultimate goal (and impractical) for many people. The fitness market has dozens of products to offer - supplements, diet plans, exercise programs and even "miracle" solutions. Most of these products to deliver the expected results because weight loss is a complex process.

The weight loss hypnosis is a viable options. Unlike many diet plans and pills, it offers a complete solution. Hypnotherapy addresses the emotional factors for the accumulation of excess weight, so it gives lasting results.

Positive motivation
Traditional weight loss is all about restrictions. You'll learn what foods to avoid, which to abandon bad habits and how to constantly monitor your progress. Positive motivation will be absent in such cases.

Weight loss hypnosis focuses on the positive. It changes inherent thinking. Instead of believing that burgers will make you fat, you will learn that carrots will improve your health and give your body essential vitamins.

Positive hypnotic suggestion "teach" you how to respect your body and enjoy healthy behaviors. Maintain a system becomes much easier if you are happy and optimistic about it.

Coping with stress
Do you want to eat more when you're stressed, anxious, lonely or depressed? If so, you have an unhealthy relationship with food and you're relying on a coping mechanism evil.

Hypnosis will help you discover the underlying causes for stress, anxiety and even self-loathing. These emotional factors make you overeat and shape the relationship you have with food.

Self awareness will help you avoid situations that make you feel bad. In addition, you will learn how to deal with these situations without turning to food. A healthy coping mechanism will often be enough to lose weight and start living a healthier life.

If you can dream it, you can do it!
A clear vision of your end goal is another prerequisite for positive motivation. Hypnotherapy for weight loss simplifies visualizing your success and turning it into reality.

Traditional weight loss is often related to confusion and even despair. As a result, many people lose sight of the end goal and caught in a vicious circle. Positive visualization and affirmations will work together, which makes the achievable goal.

Hypnotherapists often use metaphors. They suggest that the weight loss process resembles the work of a sculptor. Patiently, the sculptor works on the rock to reveal the beautiful shape hidden inside. This kind of display is easy to maintain and use as a source of inspiration.

The lasting weight loss is a long and complex process. This is the mind and body, a fact that so many dieters are unaware. Hypnotherapy provides access to tools and coping mechanisms that facilitate weight loss and make healthy eating enjoyable activities / exercise.

Taking joy in transformation is the best way to succeed. Dealing with compulsive eating is just as important. Find the reason why you can not lose weight is the first and most important condition for success. Hypnotherapy will help you to do just that.

5 Easy to Follow Rules on Rapid Weight Loss. Tips to Help You Lose Those Vital Few Inches

5 Easy to Follow Rules on Rapid Weight Loss. Tips to Help You Lose Those Vital Few Inches

1 - Have two courses only

When you are in a two-course restaurant is probably enough. Have a starter and main course or main course and dessert. Try to get out of the habit of eating so much that it hurts. That does not support your waist management plans at all.

2 - Do not clean your plate

Eat like the Queen of England. She apparently left a piece. One bite left on his plate. This speaks to is the food: it was delicious, but I do not require more, thank you very much. Otherwise his plate would be filled again and the label would force him to finish that one too, and so on.

It is hard for many of us that many of our parents and their parents have learned to always clean your plate every time. Think of the starving children and so on. It was understandable, but I do not care to understand. I want you to have a great size management. It's time for new habits. Smaller plates, smaller portions and do not finish everything. This is the new way. If you do not change your habits, your size can not change.

Leave some, this will also encourage you to put less on your plate next time. It is good science to prove that having smaller plates helps you eat less. Choose your side plates rather than large chainring. Your brain then you think much when it fills the small plate. I personally do not know how my brain could be fooled by something so simple and I'm slightly ashamed it is - but the good news is that it works independently. Try it.

3 - Do not finish the plate of someone else

Do not be a Oinker you often eaten quite enough. Remember to wait twenty minutes for the signal to reach full stomach.

4 - Do not store the tray service or roasting bowl

It's OK to throw food away and certainly better than putting on unnecessary weight. If it makes you feel so bad, then do less next time. The same goes for storing the remains of your children. It's not OK if you then eat your own meal. Put it in the trash or buy a goat. Stop eating it.

5 - No sodas or soft drinks

Sodas and soft drinks can be excluded from the diet. Completely. They do not contain nutrition and most of them come in a rich version calories it is too easy to purchase and drink. If you do not always drink them while resisting temptation that few is much easier. Post soda.

There is research of science shows that people who drink diet cola are more likely to gain weight than if they drink full fat version. This is probably the type of people who choose instead drinks are bad, but if you avoid all soft drinks you avoid the problem completely.

Sugary soft drinks will keep your sweet tooth go. That will not help you in the long run. Sugary soft drinks are made to appeal to children. You are an adult. Manage your belt may need adult strategies.

3 Easy Steps to Stop Talking Yourself Out of Reaching Your Goals

3 Easy Steps to Stop Talking Yourself Out of Reaching Your Goals

We all have good intentions. Eat better, exercise more, lose a few pounds, spend more time with family and friends. What happens to these good intentions fade so quickly? Maybe it's these little gremlins in your head say 'it's too hard "," nobody thinks you can do it "," you're just going to fail again "or" you're too tired. "

These gremlins are only voice we give to our inner fear, self-doubt and insecurity. These voices become stronger when you are hungry, tired, angry and alone. The good news is that it is easy to disable these voices and keep moving towards your goals.

So how do you stop talking about yourself achieving your goals and begin to follow through with your good intentions? It can be as simple as 1, 2, 3.

Step 1 - Plan and do

Many of us plan to exercise and before you know you're sitting on the couch and it is 22 hours. Oops! How did it happen?

Think of exercise as a very important meeting for yourself. Decide when your children go on the bus, it's time for you to get in the car and go to the gym. After lunch, block 30 minutes to go for a walk (you can even eat better if you know that you need to walk after lunch!). Do not wake up in the morning and think about trying to fit exercise, write in your schedule. Do not think about it or plan to find some time later. Just get up and do it!

Step 2 - Get a workout buddy

A workout buddy helps you to hold you accountable. It can be a family member, friend, or someone taking the same classes as to the gym. Agree to call or text to another if you have to miss a workout, but if your workout is over!

It is a powerful tool. The guilt of having someone else that you skipped a workout (without good reason) may be all you need to get you out the door.

Step 3 - Do not buy it

Cookies, cakes, candy, soft drinks, processed foods. If it's not in the house, you can not eat for a moment of weakness. This also helps to get rid of the trap 'reward'.

People continue to believe that if they workout so they can have a big sweet reward. The sad news is most people eat more calories than they burn during their workout. Therefore, you do not see the gain of your workout (you can even gain weight) which leads to more negative self talk and feel like you can not do it.

The best way to eat healthy is to avoid bringing junk food in the house and do it together as a family. Do not use the excuse that your kids or spouse will be upset. This is the perfect time to experiment with new foods and flavors. You're not deprive anyone of candy. There are tons of real sugary foods that can satisfy your cravings and a sweet tooth.

Success is within your reach

It is not necessary to take more than you can handle. Make small changes that fit into your life. Celebrate your achievements and do not compare yourself to others. When you hear those negative voices in your head, think about what you have accomplished, think of all the wonderful things you can do with a healthy body and mind, and know that success is within your reach.

How To Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise, Simple Strategies To Ensure Healthy Weight Loss

How To Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise, Simple Strategies To Ensure Healthy Weight Loss

As we remove the exercise of the equation, the focus will now turn to dietary factors and lifestyle. First be clear diet is simply the foods you eat on a daily basis. We are all on a "diet", most just do not what diet means. Now we want to lose weight without the help of the exercise, we need to look very closely at the foods and drinks we consume on a daily basis and calories we take to ensure that eating habits are aligned with any type of weight loss plan.

The first place we should look at is the food groups that we consume every day. To ensure healthy weight loss of about 1 pound per week, we want to eat starchy carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and lean sources of protein such as eggs, fish and nuts. Some of these foods are known as super foods and contain many vitamins and minerals that are essential for the loss of body weight and aid assistance.

There are only three major food groups, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. We micronutrients, but it's a whole other topic. We must ensure that 60% of the food we eat are carbohydrates.carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the main source of fuel and energy for the body, so we need to ensure that the body has enough energy for daily activities. There should be some fat in the foods we eat and the rest will be proteins that provide essential nutrients for growth and recovery.

So now we have established that the food groups, we can now look to "diet" to see what the ration of food we consume in terms of the food groups. This is important because we can identify, if we eat too much calorie dense foods that are high in saturated fat, or if we lack nutritional value of one of the food groups.

The best way to go about this is to simply create a food dairy. This can be a single word dresser, or you could opt for a smart phone application, the choice is yours, but this must be the first real step to keep track of what you eat. A good practice is to plan your week in advance and distribute the food you buy in the food groups given so that you can align your grocery list with foods that give you the nutritional value and help facilitate weight loss. It is very handy with a little planning.

Alternatively instead of writing all the foods you eat every day during the week, you can take pictures of the food you eat and take a picture of the food label so that the nutritional value and calories are recorded without writing things down. This is a good strategy for busy people.

Many studies have shown that people who take pictures of the food they eat as a way of recording and monitoring food intake found it easier to cut and remove a lot of unhealthy food choices that were their diet. It is very easy to see how it works, not many people will be very excited to take a picture of a burger and fries fat cheese, a good salad. This theory works well and saves time. It's all a matter of choice.

The next thing to look at would be the liquids you drink every day in the week. This is important because too many people drink far too sweet and carbonated drinks that have almost no nutritional value in them at all. These types of drinks are loaded with calories that will no benefit to your waistline.

To lose weight, we need to ensure that the right types of liquid drinks in our diet. You should look to trade soft drinks and alcohol with water and drink clean health as smoothies and shakes to add variety. Water can play a very important role in any weight loss plan, and is particularly important if there is no exercise in the lifestyle of a person.

Water is an important player in this kind of eating plans, because the water will often fill the gap of hunger. If water is taken with a meal, it is less likely to overeat and reduces the risk of weight gain as well. Water will also help with the process of digestion and also eliminate unhealthy toxins from the body to ensure a clean interior.

As mentioned the best way to add variety with drinks in a healthy diet is to throw some smoothies in the mixture. These are a great addition because you can get the much needed 5 fruits and vegetables a day and they are also a time saver. Many people have trouble getting enough fruits and vegetables per day in their diet, smoothies provide the ideal solution.

The typical recommendation for healthy weight loss is about 1 lb per week. You do not have to look to lose more than that. It's very manageable without starving the body of necessary nutrients. To lose one pound of weight per week, you must reduce 3500 calories diet you are on. It works a caloric reduction of 500 a day to keep the healthy range.

Another common problem that many people face today is that they sit around for a long period of time in the workplace. This can make it difficult to keep a healthy diet without cheating. It has been proven in many studies that people who are seated for long periods of time usually eat more than people who do not. In this case, try to get up and walk around whenever possible. Some other ways to reduce weight from accumulating on, have to use the stairs instead of the elevator, walking instead of using the car, and walk the dog more often.

Overall, the diet is the most important aspect of a weight loss plan, and since we do not exercise or training is particularly important. It will take a bit of planning and the commitment to take care used to record the foods you eat on a daily basis, but in a few weeks, it will become a regular habit.

Losing Weight From the Comfort of Your Own Home

Losing Weight From the Comfort of Your Own Home

Being overweight is not a problem for many people, but for me it was and always will be a stumbling block.

One of my first memories was friends call me "Fatty Boom Sticks." This song was sung for me a few times by members of the family too. The line "sweet sugar dumpling" made me feel even worse. I was the middle child with an older brother slim trim and a blonde wearing bikini, sexy, younger sister. Then there was me! I had long brown hair, chubby cheeks, with a very overweight body and a very good sense of humor. It was about my life. Oh, I have many friends (but with a personality and sense of humor of the note, which would not be?) My sister had friends, received gifts of Valentine's Day and love letters secrets . I was the friend and matchmaker and shoulder to cry on.

I would smile in the world, pretend it does not hurt, trying every diet was available. Counting calories, weighing food, the cabbage soup, everything has been tried. The only result obtained was hunger pains that led to cheating and obviously the feeling of guilt. Let me not forget to mention the additional weight gain too.

After marrying and having children, it was time to head to the local gym. There are only so many years that we could attribute the weight gain in pregnancy. After all, my children were aged 18 to 15 years! Make this "baby fat" was a challenge now or never.

I was motivated and excited. I had six months to lose that weight and strut on the beach wearing only a bikini. My husband and I might be able to renew our wedding vows in Seychelles. That would be reason enough to show my new and improved body. My mind was made up. Nothing will prevent me from reaching my goal.

It was a Sunday evening, the night before my first gym session. I had my special diet, which could not touch. The second shelf in the refrigerator belonged to the mother only. My water bottles (yes, bottles) was filled, the alarm was set for 6:00, and I had just finished reading "a romantic honeymoon in the Seychelles." I was put to the success !!!

Certainly it was not already 6:00. I knew it was winter, but it was still dark? It was raining too? He could not be, not with it being my first day at the gym. I got up, looked out the window just to make sure. I felt my waning enthusiasm, my excitement to go and my motivation had dissipated.

My mind was already reason the situation. Why was it so difficult for overweight people? Why did he mean to leave home in bad weather and go to a gym to exercise? Surely there was a way in which success could have been achieved at home.

Would not be the success will be accessible with a step to step guide to a healthy diet and exercising at home? Fuel would be saved by not having to go around and I would not be responsible for gas emissions in an eco-environment too, free of charge gym.

My new challenge was to move my exercise regime at home. It was easier, accessible and easier to manage.

Flights himself booked bikini was bought and I was more excited and motivated than ever to start my fitness and weight loss program right at home.

I used to struggle with a weight problem. Launch this home fitness program at home and see the immediate difference. Your fat will disappear as you become more fit and there will be no more excuses when it comes to exercise.

It's so exciting to be able to offer this program that will not take you the comfort of your home.

8 Easy to Follow Rules on Rapid Weight Loss - How to Look Better Naked in Front of the Mirror

8 Easy to Follow Rules on Rapid Weight Loss - How to Look Better Naked in Front of the Mirror

1 - Lots and lots of vegetables

Vegetables are full of goodness, lots of fiber, are cheap, full of flavor, few calories, they will help you fill volume and high in protein will keep you full. I can not overemphasize the benefits of having lots of vegetables each day.

Salad is not as good. Because of its high water content, it crunches anything and lots of it contains natural sugars that have calories you might not notice. Vegetable chips are not that good either. They are very high in calories because of the oil, they are baked in and having the same energy content than normal chips (crisps in the United Kingdom). You may feel virtuous eating them, but you will probably not poorer and thinner.

This is to eat real vegetables. Preferably not fried or roasted, the oil is very high in calories.

2 - squash juice without sugar not high

It's an easy choice, do you add calories or not? Choose one with no calories. Versions without sugar taste pretty good, but if you do not like the taste, choose water.

3 - Water no fruit juice

This is the same as the above point. Juice has no fiber and 400 calories in a glass. Water no.

4 - without skim fat milk

You must get out of the habit of drinking other than free skim milk fat nothing. You do not need fat. There is nothing good about it and it turns out a high protein drink with a lot of calcium in a glass with too much fat calories.

It only takes a few weeks to get used to the new taste. Do it. Do not delay. After a month or two, it will feel strange if you are given something else. You'll probably live longer to do all this simple little choice.

5 - No sugar in tea or coffee

It's like making the transition to skim-milk without fat. Do it. Do it now. Your taste preferences will adjust quickly, no matter how long you took to sugar and no matter how strange it seems at first. It is very easy to pack a lot of calories in added sugar quickly.

6 - Water with meals

Fill with water is a cheap trick. It's cheap and it's a trick. But weaving is because it helps a little. It's also better for you than drinking alcohol.

7 - No alcohol before dinner ended

This delays the need for alcohol and I hope that you drink less or not at all.

8 - No availability snack with alcohol

If you drink alcohol, do not eat snacks, do not go for a curry or a Chinese, tacos, pizza or a burger and fries on the way home. You will eat more than you want (because your judgment is impaired) and seriously, when can we find the need for a meal on the way home at one in the morning? Believe me, you do not really need to eat. You need two glasses of water and put you to bed

A Holiday Diet Plan That Actually Works!

A Holiday Diet Plan That Actually Works!

Most people like to spend time with their families during the holidays, gathered around the dinner table, saying prayer and thanksgiving for all that you have and how you are. The time it took to prepare the food, shows how much you care. Family and friends come to bring their dishes from traditional family recipes to add to the festivities. So many people have problems with weight, especially around the holidays. Some dishes are just ooze calories as macaroni and cheese, a highly acidic food forming, according to the ingredients used in the recipe. High acid forming foods turn into fat which leads to weight gain. They say eating turkey makes you sleepy, it tryptophan, an amino acid. If you are like most people you eat till you drop. When you eat and then go to sleep, you tend to gain weight more easily. In desperation you try to take the weight with diets that do not live up to their promises.

If losing weight is on your holiday list, you will not have to look far, your body can do all the work. Best defense of the body is when pH levels are balanced. A good pH balance is essential for weight loss. When pH levels are at full capacity, the body can metabolize most of what we eat, turn food into energy instead of fat. When the kidneys fail to remove the abundance of acid, due to the consumption of food as too acidic, hamburger, fries and a coke, the body is compromised and excessive acid is stored as fat. You can restore the pH of your body health by eating more alkaline foods and drinking alkaline water. Squeeze a lemon or pH drops in a glass of water in the morning can help balance the pH level of your body. Here is a list of foods acid / alkali.

Acidic foods:

Processed foods
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Extremely fried foods
Artificial sweeteners
Ice Cream
Processed foods

Alkaline foods:

Organic Food
Basic food plants

Juicing is another boost, which can restore the pH of your body to health more quickly than anything else. Take vitamin supplements and herbal supplements can help cleanse the blood. The diet of the acid / alkali can be used all year round, not just around the holidays. You might wonder what is the pH level of the organization has to do with weight loss. To understand how the acid base balance in the body works, you should know a little about chemistry.


PH mean potential of hydrogen. On a scale from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Anything below 7 is acidic and anything above 7 is alkaline. The blood is slightly alkaline to 7.35, the stomach is very acidic to 3.5 so it can break down food and changes in pH of the urine, depending on what you eat. This is what keeps the pH of the equilibrated blood.

PH is the balance between the acidity and alkalinity. A good pH balance is between 7.35 and 7.45, a little more neutral. When the pH of the body is balanced, it can metabolize food more efficiently burn the waste of excess acid uptake and easy removal. PH test strips help keep track of pH of your body, so you can make changes in your diet to keep the balance. You can buy pH test strips at your local health food store. There are two ways to test the pH level of your body:

1. Urinalysis - It is recommended that you take the test in the morning to get the excess acid night.

2. saliva test - It is recommended that you take the saliva test in the morning before brushing teeth or at least two or three hours after eating or drinking anything.

If weight loss was a chore, it's as easy as giving your body what it needs to maintain a healthy pH balance. When the levels of acid / alkaline are balanced, fat cells have no chance. Counting calories and eat smaller portions at the dinner table can also help to lose weight.

Why Should We Be Concerned About Healthy Eating for Effective Weight Loss?

Why Should We Be Concerned About Healthy Eating for Effective Weight Loss?

What did you learn in school about healthy eating and healthy eating? There are many sources of information about a healthy diet to lose weight, which include, among others; nutrition experts, books, internet, food chains, food reviewers, radio, television and magazines. How nutrition information is presented by various sources varies according to what is communicated to the public.

What are some of the questions you have about healthy eating?

They include, among others:

• How much food should I eat daily?

• Should I eat at specific times of the day?

• Should I skip some meals during the day?

• Do I need to eliminate certain foods from my diet?

• Willingness to count calories I consume helps to burn fat?

• Consumption of sugar products increasing my weight?

• Do I know the number of grams of protein, carbohydrates and fat?

• high carbohydrate and low fat diets are good for weight loss?

Should we rely on professional groups and governments to improve healthy eating?

In order to improve healthy eating among their people, many countries have developed different sets of guidelines for a healthy diet. These are mainly developed on the basis of local foods and eating habits of the local population. However, these guidelines do not contribute to reducing the obesity pandemic, many countries are facing. One of the principles in the development of these guidelines is that they have to contribute to public scrutiny health nutrition problems in the country. Should we trust these guidelines that the answer to healthy eating? The content of these guidelines become obsolete by the time they are released to the public because of scientific information constantly changing nutrition. This information can help people who make poor food choices that lead to weight gain and obesity.

What are the key elements of a healthy diet?

A healthy diet requires dietary behavior change, food choices, consumer knowledge about nutrition and diet, and food preparation. All these factors are important to ensure that a person make an informed choice to improve their health, leading to the loss of body fat. Most so-called food "healthy" that are sold in our supermarkets could negatively contribute to weight gain due to poor labeling of food products by manufacturers. Highly processed foods are an enemy to weight loss. Avoid them by reading food labels very carefully.

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