
Sunday, March 22, 2015

New Thoughts On An Old Subject - The Skinny on Weight and How to Lose It

New Thoughts On An Old Subject - The Skinny on Weight and How to Lose It

You see them everywhere. They are at work. They are in the streets. They are in restaurants, the beach, bars, on the bus, at the library, in the gym, they are almost everywhere.

It is true, naturally lean, lean and watching people in shape. Or perhaps they are fit muscular body 5% fat types. Admiration, seeded and deep jealousy creeps and you think to yourself, "If only I could look like that. How different would my life! "

Yes, things are set against our older brothers and sisters frame colleagues. The industry of the American public relations and stresses, glorify nay, on a constant basis, skinny people and / or shape. You see them on billboards, department stores, movies and the desire to be redundant elsewhere.

The purpose of this is to take a look at why you feel the way you do your weight or size of the body and in particular to examine the motivations of wanting Shred some of those extra pounds.

First, one of the main reasons you do not feel happy with your present body is simply combining American cultural flood of adjustment as slim / body in your thought process and your bad habit of comparison. As a culture, we are slammed with thin images, in the form of people on a daily basis. When you compare to something like an "ideal" form of the body, or someone in particular, a movie star or an athlete, you are actually setting yourself up for dissatisfaction. Continual advertising images beat in your head like a bass drum all that does not help the cause. So number one, do not forget that you are a wonderful, beautiful person, inside and outside, no matter how much you weigh.

Now, even after the pep talk, if you still want to lose and keep off weight, read on.

First, consider the assumptions about the weight loss.

Hypothesis # 1 - You have to become a gym nut.

No, in fact it can be against-productive in the medium and long term as prolonged, strenuous exercise (think of the criticisms of the Cross Fit) can result in injury, which can be a huge barrier to fitness and lose weight.

Hypothesis # 2 - You have to change your whole lifestyle diametrically, behavior and attitude to get results.

No, you do not have to turn your life 180 degrees upside down to get results. Change, yes. But incremental changes and keep these changes within reason contributing to the sustained effort over time.

Assumption # 3 - (not exactly the weight loss as more than highlight a myth about our meager brothers) - Skinny people are good cardiovascular health.

Ha! Ever seen a skinny guy who never ran for except gym class in high school, try to keep up with the others in the gym or on a morning group YOG (jogging, but silence is j)? It is ironic to observe. Or, what about the skinny girl who has high cholesterol? These people exist and it is up to you to know that once you reach your goals, you'll be ahead of the curve of these types of lean people.

Second, also allow to look briefly your reasons for wanting to lose weight.

If you are wanting to get in shape because of social pressure? Have you made a new years resolution? Another important decision is your comment about your weight? These reasons are superficial at best. Whatever the reason, the real reason, know - wanting to lose weight should be in line with your own values ​​and goals. Period. You really want to lose weight and decide. The reasons must be deep enough to where, once you have achieved your weight loss goals, you will be in a place to sustainably maintain your new body weight.

Here are some valid reasons for wanting to lose weight and be fit. (Non exhaustive list)

1. If you have children, especially young children, to have the energy and stamina to play with them.

2. to participate in sports and other physical activities that require endurance and stamina.

3. In order to compete in a sporting event, ie Mudder robust, a marathon, a triathlon.

4. To reduce the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases and cancer related !!!


You understand the assumptions you have the motivation, you know why you want to lose weight. Now it is time to act. What do you do? Join a running group of the competition until? Sign up with 24 Hour Fitness? Go swimming in the lake ever day / Bay? There are many schools of thought on what I'm sure you did a lot of research. Worth mentioning a couple of things.

1. Eradicate old habits (especially)

To change, you must do something different from what you have done in the past. Sounds like common sense, right? Well, it is not easy when it comes to form new habits. Keep hypothesis # 2 in mind, we do, however, need to make significant changes and put forth the effort to get results. What look like? Well, if you are used to drinking soda, eating junk food and watching TV, it's time to fix chips and the remote control. Ideally, reduce your intake of these types of eating habits and passive activities by 97-98%. If you opt for fried chicken and a coke once a week, well go for her through all that hard work you do, you've earned it. Moreover, those who once a week or once every two oral food orgasms and olfactory weeks you stay sane because deprivation can be an ugly thing. However, in the long term, you notice changes in your taste buds and soon find yourself not even have the desire to go for junk food.

2. Sleep

Never overlook the sleep value. With all the new found physical stress you put yourself through, giving the body remains necessary "repair time." This is especially the case if you're going to be adding a weightlifting plan your game plan.

3. Lose weight or simply redial?

If you are all heavier, but all you really want is to reconstruct (re-distribute the weight in proportion to each muscle group) your body then weightlifting should be the main focus of your strategy. If you have a certain goal percentage reached body fat and cardio (running, swimming, ellipticaling, cycling, stairmastering, rowing, etc.) exercise is the way to go for you. Obviously, you want both, do both.

4. Time targets based.

Time its going to take you to see results will depend on you. Both your efforts, plan, conduct and size of the individual body. There are really three basic ways to achieve effective weight loss. 1. Eat less calories. 2. Get some more cardio exercise. 3. Eat fewer calories and doing intense cardio. Number 3 will produce faster and more certain results for most people.

Food & Diet General

What to eat / drink: fruit, vegetables, lean protein, supplements, water, lots of water.

-Fruit Fruit is full of vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the body and not to mention the fiber, which helps you feel full longer and with bowel movements.

Vegetables - Vegetables same boat as fruits, tons of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants (substance that inhibits oxidation of foods and cells).

Lean Protein - Lean protein consists of chicken, eggs, pork, turkey, soy products, you name it. Ever heard of the Paleo diet? Look it up.

Supplements - Supplements are a great addition to any healthy diet. They fill in the gaps for what you do not eat or what your body can not produce by itself. Multivitamins, minerals, fish oil or cod liver, chia seed oil, natural weight loss supplements are all great ways to pack in what the body needs.

Water - The water acts as a cleaning agent, a rinsing system of impurities. It also helps in digestion, can help with portion control and your liver like!

If you focus on the five groups above, you will start GRINDING weight.

What not to eat / drink: alcohol, carbohydrates / starches (bread - of any kind - pasta, rice), sugar (cut all refined and processed sugars from your diet and you will be amazed at the effect that it has on your body !!!!), sports drinks (sports drinks containing HFCS - High Fructose Corn Syrup - processed sugar !!), dairy products (0% fat mozzarella is OK) , cereals, including granola and obviously any junk food.

Again, this is A. Ö.K. to offer once a week - or once every two weeks depending on how quickly you want to see results - to fast food or whatever your guilty pleasure. This will help you in the short term you develop new healthy eating habits.


For quick results are a combination of sports to create the outside and inside spontaneity and prevent boredom. During startup, to 3-4 days per week of exercise gradually build up to 5-6 days a week. Disclaimer - If you choose to run as the main mode of development, to operate for the first two weeks maximum, and then switch to low impact cardio exercise for a week to reduce the risk of stress fractures and other related injuries. Then resume execution.

Tips and tricks

Walk everywhere.

Walk on your lunch.

Eating small meals throughout the day. (4-6 meals)

Use the stairs instead of elevators and escalators.

Sell ​​your TV. No, but just turn it off and get out.

Make your food whenever possible. You get to control the ingredients

When grocery shopping, look at the ingredients on packaging labels. Beware any type of sugar corn, corn starch or derivative aka processed (dextrin, corn syrup, modified corn starch, dextrose, HFCS, maltodextrin)

Good shredding weight!

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