
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Does Eating More Slowly Help You Lose Weight?

Does Eating More Slowly Help You Lose Weight?

Many people eat too fast and get up for seconds before the meal had a chance to settle. One of the benefits of eating slowly feel full without eating too much.

What makes you feel full

The stomach stretch receptors that signal the brain as it fills. Then, as partially digested food from the small intestine other hormones such as CCK also send signals. Finally, your fat cells produce leptin, which communicates with the brain of your long-term fuel requirements based on the energy reserves of the organism.

Interference signal

As people become overweight or obese, insulin and leptin resistance develops and interferes with the delivery of these messages. By eating more slowly, you can improve the delivery of these signals and reduce appetite and weight gain.

BENEFITS Eating slowly

• decreased appetite: The most important benefit of eating slowly is that it leads to reduced food intake. Lower food intake means less calories and sets weight loss.

• Increase satiety :. Eating slower allows satiety signals to develop before your plate is empty (1) This makes it easier to eat less without feeling deprived.

• Weight control ". French paradox "Eat slowly and enjoy smaller portions is part of the reason for the (2) France has a lower rate of heart disease and obesity than the US, despite the high ingestion foods high in calories and fat.

• Assess the quality of food: Eating slowly allows greater appreciation of the quality or lack of quality in the food consumed. This could explain why the fast eaters are more likely to eat fast food and junk food.

• Prevent Metabolic Syndrome :. Eating quickly is a risk factor for the development of metabolic syndrome (3) This is a combination of symptoms such as high blood pressure, insulin resistance and obesity.

• improve digestion: Digestion is a chain reaction that begins in the mouth. Rushing through a meal forces your gut to deal with things before it is fully prepared.

• Curb Binge Eating: People who suffer from compulsive eating usually feel out of control of their eating behavior. Slow is the best way to regain control.

TIPS help you eat more slowly

• Eat more high fiber foods: Take larger portions of fruits and vegetables that naturally take longer to chew.

• Eat smaller pieces cake: Cut your food into small pieces and take time to chew and enjoy your meals. Why would you want to rush through something as enjoyable as good food?

• Ask your utensils: Take a break to enjoy your meal with your partner. Breathe, have a sip of wine and enjoy.

• Review The Meal: Take some breaks during the meal to consider what you like about the food you eat. Talk about how much you enjoy this particular cut of meat you eat, or how well Jarlsberg goes with your broccoli.


Our modern way of life is fast and sometimes it takes an effort to slow the pace. As food is one of the most enjoyable things in life, it only makes sense to slow down, enjoy your food and the benefits of eating more slowly.

Losing weight should not include the deprivation and loss of enjoyment of food. Taking time to enjoy good wholesome food is an easy way to be lean and healthy.

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