
Saturday, March 21, 2015

A Healthy Diet Helps With Depression and Improving Your Mood

A Healthy Diet Helps With Depression and Improving Your Mood

Some may think that there is no relationship between what you eat and the state of your mind. This is a misconception, depression can be effectively avoided or at least mitigated by a healthy and nutritious diet. Aside from a physical advantage, there is a mental and emotional benefits to this type of diet as well.

The source of the depression of one could come from a number of different factors. It is recommended that you seek the help of a certified or licensed professional for proper medical advice.

Take a second and think of fuel for your body like a car or any other machine runs on gas, oil, etc. The quality of what you put in this machine is 100% related to its performance and lifespan. I know because I've seen the effects of having a car (and body) that was to run on cheap products or has not been granted or given an oil change in a while. Is it crazy to say that if you often eat the wrong types of food (burgers, pizza, soda, etc.), it will affect your physical body tracking your mental and emotional state? I do not believe.

A more colorful plate = better mood

You may have heard the saying, "The more colorful the plate, the more weight." This saying is also relevant if you want to get rid of depression and take a couple of pounds. Not only does a diet high in processed and sugary foods make you fat, it also affects how you feel. Unfortunately, the Standard American Diet, or ironically "SAD" is full of it.

You are what you eat

As generic or cliché as it sounds, you really are what you eat. Furthermore, it is not surprising that the healthy diet = less amount of moodiness or depression. To delay the effects of aging, keep in mind that studies and research shows that diets that are filled with the proper amount of vitamins and minerals produce adequate amounts of serotonin, a chemical mood -improvement, while the latter lead to a shortage.

How to relieve stress and improve your mood

As both a mood stabilizer and the neurotransmitter serotonin is a chemical that helps relieve stress, depression and anxiety. That said, there are some types of foods that can help give a boost to the amount of serotonin in the blood:

Fruits: Some may be surprised by this, but fruits such as cherries, pineapples, bananas and plums are great for lifting your spirits. In addition, cherries containing melatonin, a hormone which is derived serotonin. It is unloaded when it is dark and help with your circadian rhythm (sleep cycle).

Protein: Tryptophan is an amino acid found in Turkey raises serotonin production in the brain. Naturally, Turkey is also a mood enhancer. It is however not alone, eggs, seafood, whey protein, and beef all help to raise serotonin levels as well. One caveat is that you should try to eat meat that has been or grass-fed, pasture raised, hormone or raised products.

In addition, you must add nuts to your diet because they also improve the production of proteins. In addition to this, they also have selenium in them which is a chemical that is rare in much of a depressed patient. Legumes and lean meats should also be added to the list of foods containing selenium.

Note that eating sugar filled snacks can counteract the production of serotonin. Therefore, it is advantageous to replace the candy or other candy processed with their counterpart, whole and natural foods. Lean protein and stuff you'll most likely find themselves without a bar code on it such as fruits and nuts.

Carbohydrates: Many sources of carbohydrates in his diet will increase your serotonin levels and help with issues related to depression. Want to add some whole grain bread, white and sweet potatoes, and pasta (in moderation, of course).

Dairy products: These foods will also make you feel less stressed. Milk and cheese are both filled with chemicals improving mood and also increase serotonin levels.

Nutrients that keep you free Depression


This pigment is mainly found in carrots, but also in broccoli, apricots and cantaloupe. It can also be very help you get rid of depression.

Vitamin C

Citrus fruits are another food that is good for warding off depression. They are abundant in vitamin C, here are some of the major citrus

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has some advantages, a key is to be a huge factor in the immune process and, of course, help prevent or alleviate depression. wheat germ nuts, vegetable oils and the seeds have all the vitamin E in them.

Changing the way you eat and increase your activity level

A nice healthy combo of mixed complex carbohydrates with vegetables and fruits can be a huge help with either depression or mood swings, period.

Make sure you avoid snacks that are processed, usually there are packed (see cookies, chips, etc.). Also, focus on adding fish to your diet and consumption of fresh produce on a regular basis.

It's like clockwork, when correcting your diet, you will more than likely start exercising more often. This will only help him be less depressed and put you in a good mood.

Note that the more you train, the more your body will start to produce more endorphins which is another hormone that will improve your mood. It is complementary, exercise and a good diet, you will feel much better than a sedentary lifestyle.

In fact, there are studies conducted where the results showed that people who incorporate a routine of healthy eating and exercise do not need to take anti-depressants or mood-enhancing drugs. It's simple, cut the bad things from your diet and get your heart rate up with some type of physical activity on a regular basis. This way you do not have to rely on expensive prescription drugs and sometimes dangerous to operate your body the way it is naturally.

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