
Sunday, March 22, 2015

5 Foods to Stop Your Food Cravings

5 Foods to Stop Your Food Cravings

You may have experienced it - ice cream freezer calling you or bag of chips in the cupboard. Cravings - they can quickly lead you to what you were doing to look in the fridge in search of a snack.

What can we do about it? Well, while minimizing extreme challenges in your environment can help. If there is no ice cream, potato chips or whatever you want easily be had - it helps. But sometimes in an extremely low point, even a trip to the store can get to meet that need.

What else might work? When the urge is strong look at what may be driving? Ask yourself these questions:

How much time has passed since I ate? Is this a good time for a meal or snack?
How much protein I eat today? I started the day with enough protein to keep me fed?
What could I do now? A distraction may be just the thing to take your mind off of food.
Do I have enough sleep last night?
I feel particularly stressed now?
Address those other drivers first. If you have not eaten enough or adequate protein, have a snack that you eat before you reach for the food you crave. If you feel tired or stressed take a break from what you do, go for a walk or do some simple stretches. If you just need a distraction, I'm sure if you think about it, you can come with a long list of things that you could do more than eat.

Prevent cravings

Then you begin to practice some of the tips above to find other things that might work, but how can you make choices in your diet to avoid cravings occur in the first place?

Incorporate these foods into your diet on a regular basis and you will feel more satisfied and watch cravings decrease.

Nuts - walnuts, almonds, pistachios - nutrients packaged power plants! Because nuts provide protein and a good amount of healthy fats, they keep you feeling full longer. Also nuts are full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are great for your health. To save $$ buy in bulk nuts and pack them in individual serving size containers that you always have an easy grab-and-go snack for when you need it.

Fruit - While fruit is one of the sweetest whole foods in our diet is rich in fiber and water and does not create the same sugar cravings that eating a simple sugar will. When you are craving something sweet, reach for an apple - and even better top it with a tablespoon of almond butter and you've created a snack nutrition-rich that will give you energy that lasts .

Vegetables - Sure fill your diet with lots of vegetables will help keep you full and leave less room for food cravings. Think about what you want - crunchy or salty? Try lightly salted edamame beans or carrots or celery dipped in hummus. Give yourself that crunch will help satisfy the thirst of a nourishing way.

Fiber - If you regularly consume 30 to 40 grams of fiber a day, not only your digestive tract healthier, you will reduce your cravings throughout the day. All fruits and vegetables are good sources of fiber, but some sources you may have not considered - beans (legumes, split peas, lentils), popcorn, whole grains. Pop Popcorn bring in a bag to work, make an easy bean salad or dipping, or keep your freezer full of delicious bran muffins enter and go. Find creative ways to get more of what you eat!

Water or tea - Often when we feel like we need to eat, it may be the result of not having enough to drink. Bring a bottle of water with you and place the number of rubber bands on her for the number of times you want to fill every day. Remove a rubber band every time you fill the bottle to make sure you are getting enough to drink every day. A cup of tea will also moisturize and is a great option to relax so desires may be the result of stress or anxiety.
Cravings are a challenge in our environment where food is at every turn. If you continue to make choices to feed your body well, you will eliminate cravings and you'll be on your way to achieving your health goals and well-being.

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