
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Having A Healthy Weekend

Having A Healthy Weekend

Now that we got at the beginning of a week of the new brand, some of us mentally replay the choices made from Friday evening to Sunday evening. One of the hardest things to deal with are the weekend, especially if you are focused on improving your health, lose weight and stay in shape.

Face it, many of us have become accustomed to a Saturday or Sunday ritual that can not be the healthiest choice.

Often people have a decently healthy Monday through Friday afternoon but Friday night, Saturday and Sunday come, and all the healthy eating habits and the fabulous fitness routine go completely out the window.

Naturally, it can be a little difficult to stick with the plan that guides you through the work week, especially if you are physically and mentally drained come Friday afternoon. But when the weekend did arrive a little restraint and control needs to be maintained so that you do not cancel four days and a half of healthy lifestyles.

On the other hand, if you are wondering why you are not having a healthy weekend of eating too much, nibbling an unhealthy way and obtain absolutely no form of exercise, and then use these Three tips for next weekend and I hope that can save you the pain you may be feeling right about now.

Tip # 1: Do not eat late at night

Just as during the week, you will not want to eat less than three hours before going to bed, it is especially important on weekends. Friday and Saturday night can sometimes have people staying up later than usual to go out with friends or relatives. Often, after the festivities of the night people go out for a fast food meal, or go home and throw something in the microwave.

Do not do it!

Eat after midnight and go to sleep shortly after will do nothing but pack hundreds or even thousands of calories in your body. Unfortunately, you will not have a chance to burn the calories of these since you are about to go to sleep. Instead, they will eventually find a comfortable place to stay on your body in the form of fat.

More often than not, at this late hour your body is probably more thirsty than hungry. If you are in a thirst for atmosphere try to drink one or two glasses of water. If you need a snack, eat what is considered a food 0 calories as a carrot or celery. That should hold you until morning.

While eating a gourmet meal food may feel euphoric at the time, remember that feeling will pass and tomorrow morning you have nothing to show except for the extra weight on your body.

Tip # 2 Drink water weekend

I hope you have been drinking water during the week, but just because the Saturday and Sunday around roller does not mean you have to forget about its existence. Do not pick up soda, energy drinks, juice, beer or, especially since each one packs more than 150 calories per serving. If you drink four 12-ounce sodas during the weekend, you are looking at 600 calories in drinks there.

To make matters worse, glasses or cups that we have at home are bigger than 12 ounces so calories can easily exceed 600 that projection.

Stick with as much water as possible and not only will you put 0 extra calories in your body, but you will give your body an extra health benefit too.

Tip # 3: Look at the Size section

It goes without saying that the size of the portions you eat the meal must be of an appropriate size especially when trying to stay at a number of calories per day that will create weight loss. As most of us have more freedom on the weekend, it's easy enough to open the refrigerator when the urge arises, or jump in the car to go to the training of the local fast food through.

However all of these decisions will impact your total end of the day. If you are really concerned about losing weight, try to treat your weekend as you would any day of the week. Do not let the extra free time to go to your head and allow you to make unwise choices regarding your diet.

Instead, use the extra time to cook a healthy meal that you can not only eat, but some extras in plastic containers travel, label, and freeze for use during the coming week for lunches . This way, you not only have prepared a great meal to eat on the weekends, but you will be ready Monday coming up with a healthy meal in hand.

I hope you remember these three tips so that you can proudly say that you have a healthy weekend.

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