Why Diets vary so much in their advice?
Of common experience, many people have a degree of sympathy with this view, as it is certainly disconcerting plethora of diets out there. So who is right and who is wrong?
Avoiding snap judgments
When considering this question, it is useful to keep in mind that sometimes the apparent fundamental differences between regimes may be less pronounced than they appear at first sight.
Most plans will, albeit indirectly, finally returning to something on the need to control your calorie intake. Most plans have very similar types of food and drink which will be considered as things to be completely banned, certainly to be consumed in extreme moderation. Virtually all plans will also emphasize the importance of a degree of modest regular exercise.
Sometimes different regimes are also applied for different reasons. For example, a series of recommendations on food consumption can be significantly different from the other if one is aimed to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood while the other is concerned mainly loss weight.
Thus, in many cases, although it is fashionable for supporters of a regime or another to talk to each other on their respective efficiencies in reality there may be some considerable degree of overlap between both.
Different philosophies
Of course, this is only a partial explanation, for it is clear that many regimes have radically different points of focus and emphasis.
For example, some plans are based on a significant reduction of the carbohydrate consumption but allow an almost unlimited absorption of protein. Other plans will describe this as potentially harmful to health and adopt what might be called classic counting calories as their approach. Yet other schemes can advocate for the elimination of trans fats from food while being relaxed enough in other areas.
Strangely, these differences in approach should not be seen as necessarily indicating the total discord in science.
It is a fact that different studies have shown different approaches to dieting to be more or less effective depending on the people who follow them. Behind it is the science of statistics because it may be that a certain type of diet is very effective to say, 80% of participants, but the remaining 20% may have been better served by different recipes Loss weight, etc.
Why some diets work better for some than for others?
It's to do with the individual body chemistry. The body of a person may simply be more or less efficient in converting certain types of foodstuffs in fat than others. What this means is that it is important to understand the physical condition of an individual before designing or recommending a diet for them.
Executive Summary
While it is true that some advocates of a regime or another have become a little too zealous in preaching the benefits to the exclusion of all other approaches, the extent to which the regimes massively contradict each other may be overstated.
The current move towards schemes individually manufactured according to a scientific analysis of the individual may also further erode the existence of different "regime philosophies" that are considered to be at war with each other.
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